AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Sett User Preferences

You can customize your personal settings in AssetWise CONNECT Edition to suit your own preferences. Changes made to these settings only affect the current user.

Several settings for each of the following areas, may be adjusted:

  • Active Directory Service
  • Asset Painter
  • CAD-Connect Options
  • Document Distribution
  • Document Import Service
  • eB Director Specific
  • Files Options
  • Filters
  • General
  • Geometry Specific
  • Linear
  • Nuclear Specific
  • Paging
  • Performance and Locking
  • Publish Options
  • Search Options
  • System Default - Identification
  • System Default - User Account

Follow these steps to change your user preferences.

  1. From the Navigation bar, select the Person icon, and then select Preferences. The Preferences page appears.
  2. Select a category from the list on the left. For example, select Document Distribution. A list of all available options for Document Distribution appears.
  3. Select the item that you want to change, from the list and then click Change User Preference. A dialog appears, allowing you to enter the new setting value. For example:
  4. Enter the new value for the setting, and then click Save. Your user preference has been saved.