AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Accept a Transmittal

You can accept a transmittal that has been assigned to you, providing that its approval status is set to "Committed". Assigned transmittals appear on the transmittals dashboard.

Follow these steps to accept a transmittal in AssetWise CONNECT Edition.

  1. On the Launch Pad, select My Transmittals from the Deliverables tile. The transmittals dashboard appears. This screen displays all transmittals that have been assigned to you.
  2. Select each transmittal that you want to accept.
  3. Click Accept Selected Transmittals. The Accept Selected Transmittals dialog appears.
  4. Click Yes to accept the selected transmittals.
Each selected transmittal is accepted, its status is updated from "Unknown" to "Accepted", and appears in the appropriate user's My Transmittals list.