AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Defining the Starting Folder or File Using a Stored Procedure

Certain implementations may require the AssetWise ALIM ProjectWise Connector to be used in an automated fashion. The ebppw_issue_synchronization stored procedure (delivered with the product), accomplishes this.

This stored procedure creates a job in the sync queue to initiate a synchronization starting at folder or file defined by the supplied external object id. If a folder is supplied, the synchronization process iterates down through the folder structure and synchronizes all objects that it finds. This synchronization request honors all of the rules and configurations discussed throughout this document, such as synchronizing attributes between previously registered documents, and creating new documents in AssetWise ALIM, for example.

The ebppw_issue_synchronization script includes the following content:

   @pi_ext_object_id    INT, --external object id found in the external objects table
   @pi_called_by        INT -- session id