AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Accessing a Document Using a QuickLink

To create a quicklink for a document, use the following syntax:

http(s)://<server>/<site>/Search/QuickLink.aspx?d=<dsn name>&n=<doc prefix>&r=<doc revision>&t=3&m=<viewing mode>


d=AssetWise community name (site\dsn)

n=document number (prefix)

r=document revision [optional]

state=document status (LatestApproved, LatestRevision) [optional]

i=document display (view, edit) [optional]

m=file viewing mode (v=view, l=launch) [optional]

cno=document copy number [optional]

t=object type [optional]

Parameter Details

  • The "&" character is used to separate each parameter in the quicklink. The "&" is optional in front of the first parameter (for example, it could be &d=<dsn name> or just d=<dsn name>), but the "&" must precede the remaining parameters in the quicklink.
  • The URL must include the n parameter to define the document prefix number.
  • If the r parameter is included, the specific document revision is displayed. If it is not included, the highest document revision is returned.
    Note: The state parameter is ignored.
  • If the state parameter is included, the document with the Latest Revision/Latest Approved is returned if the parameter is set to "LatestApproved". If the state parameter is set to "LatestRevision", the highest document revision is returned.
    Note: The r parameter must not be included in the URL for this parameter to work.
  • If the i parameter is set to view, the document information (metadata) screen will be displayed in view mode. If the i parameter is set to "edit", the document information screen will be displayed in edit mode.
    Note: The m parameter must not be included in the URL for this parameter to work.
  • If the m parameter is included, the associated files will either be displayed in the Viewer (v setting) or launched into their native application (l setting). If the m parameter is not included the document information (meta-data) screen will be displayed. The i parameter will be ignored. If the cno parameter is not included, non-hidden files in all document copies are returned.
  • If the cno parameter is included, all files associated to the specified document copy are displayed. The cno parameter works in conjunction with the m parameter.
  • The t parameter defines the object type, 3=Document. If the t parameter is not included, QuickLink uses the value 3. For a list, see Object Type Values for the t Parameter .

Example URLs

Specify by document number and revision (content view mode)


Specify by document number (latest approved in content view mode)


Specify by document number (latest revision in content edit mode)


Launch files for a specific document revision


Launch files for the latest approved document


Launch files from specific document copy for specific revision document
