AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide


Consider the following guidelines, when configuring cover sheets for AssetWise ALIM Web.

Date Formats

Dates are entered using the full timestamp format, and comply with the localization of the worksheet and cell format.

If the format must be forced, it can be accomplished by using the function, for example, CAST(<DATE> AS STRING, 'MM/DD/yyyy').

Relationships - Filtering

When requesting relationships, the ability to filter by relationship type is supported. For example, the following phrase retrieves only documents which are related to the distributed document with relationship "ER-CMT-DOC". Below is an example of Document Relationship extractions:


Below is an example of a supported phrase that retrieves special type cross-references of a distributed document:


Multi-value Cells

The TransmittalItem list of documents attempts to ensure that only one record is reported per line item. Where multi-value fields are requested, a comma-separated list of values is produced and placed in one cell. For example, Organization Code and Name ("111-Organization") is retrieved using the following format:


Mixing Data Types

Multiple data types within a cell are not permitted. All values must be CAST to the same datatype.

Below is an example of a supported phrase:

{TransmittalItem|Events.Event.Code+'-'+Events.Event.Description+', '+ CAST(Events.Event.StartDate AS STRING, 'MM/dd/yyyy')}

Below is an example of a phrase that is not supported:

{TransmittalItem|Events.Event.Code+'-'+Events.Event.Description+', '+ Events.Event.StartDate}