AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Items Tab

Items tab

The Items tab allows the user to configure item relationship and their mapped columns in this interface. A checkbox is available to set the state to either retain item links or not when updating, copying or revising documents.
  1. If retain value is turned on, update the item links based on the Excel column value with the following behavior:
    • Blank, do nothing.
    • Has data, the item link is added to the given item with the given relationship.
    • Not mapped, do nothing.
  2. If retain value is turned off, first remove all the item relationships and then for those mapped items, based on the Excel column value execute the following behavior:
    • Blank, do nothing.
    • Has data, add the item link to the given item with the given relationship.
    Note: Because only the item number is passed in the Excel file, if more than one version of the item exists in AssetWise, then no item is linked to this document. An entry is also added to the error log, reporting that the item is not linked to the document.