AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Database Tables

The following is a list of database tables and their contents used in the submittals process:

Table Description
awdm_submit_obj_file_rslts Submittal object file level validation results

Populated by the SSIS Package used for validation

awdm_submit_obj_files Stores the Submittal object file metadata for each object
awdm_submit_obj_rslts Submittal object level validation results

Populated by the SSIS package used for validation

awdm_submit_objs Stores the Submittal object metadata for each run
awdm_submit_rslts Submittal level validation results

Populated by the SSIS package used for validation

awdm_submittals Stores the Submittal validation run metadata


Attribute Description
submit_obj_file_rslt_id Unique identifier (auto-generated)
submit_obj_id Id of submittal object (awdm_submit_objs)
context_id Context Id from SSIS package
type Result Type

Valid values are:

  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
location Location of result item for User information, for example, an Excel row and column "A1"
message The message to be displayed to the user


Attribute Description
awdm_submit_obj_file_id Unique Identifier (auto-generated)
submit_obj_id ID of submittal object (awdm_submit_objs)
context_id Context ID from SSIS package
filename File name to be added to AssetWise
queue_job_id Used by Plugin to display SSIS Engine job status and allow Accept and Reject SSIS package to locate files being processed
action User decision regarding what will happen to this file

Valid values are:

  • Undecided
  • Accept
  • Reject
  • (blank/empty string)
copy The copy on which the user wants the file to be placed (optional)
user_message The text that the User entered for the file

This can be defaulted by a validation package


Attribute Description
submit_rslt_id Unique Identifier (auto-generated)
submittal_id ID of parent Submittal (awdm_submittals)
context_id Context Id form SSIS package
type Result Type

Valid values are:

  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
location Location of result item for User information, for example, an Excel row and column "A1"
message The message to be displayed to the user


Attribute Description
submittal_id Unique Identifier (auto-generated)
context_id Context Id from SSIS package
timestamp Time stamp of submittal validation
object_id Object Id of Submittal Object
object_type Object Type of Submittal Object


Attribute Description
submit_obj_id Unique Identifier (auto-generated)
submittal_id Id of parent Submittal (awdm_submittals)
context_id Context Id from SSIS package
object_id Storage of the resultant object id

This not required and for information only

object_type Object Type of the resultant object
code Code/prefix of the object to be added to AssetWise (optional)
middle Middle of object to be added to AssetWise (optional)
revision Revision of object to be added to AssetWise (optional)
title Title/Description of object to be added to AssetWise (required)


Attribute Description
awdm_submit_obj_file_rslt_id Unique Identifier (auto-generated)
awdm_submit_obj_file_id Id of parent Submittal (awdm_submit_obj_files)
context_id Context Id form SSIS package
type Result Type

Valid values are:

  • Error
  • Warning
  • Information
level Indicator to where the result is pointing regarding the file or the contents of the file

Valid values are:

  • File
  • File Content
location Location of resultant item for User information, for example, an Excel row and column "A1"
message The message to be displayed to the user