AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide


Follow these steps to configure the AssetWise ALIM General Report Plugin:
  1. Open the GeneralReport folder that was created during the AssetWise ALIM General Report Plugin installation.
  2. Using a text editor, open the config.xml configuration file.
  3. Locate the <Settings> tag, and for each report parameter, create and configure a <Setting> structure to match the following format:
        <Setting Name="[insert the settings profile’s name here]" eBClassName="[AssetWise_Class]" eBTemplateName="[Template_Name]" eBObjectType="[AssetWise_Object_Type
    ]" eBReportName="[Report_Name]">
          <Input Name="[First_Report_Parameter]" eBName="{Corresponding_AssetWise_Attribute]" />
          <Input Name="[Second_Report_Parameter]" eBName="{Corresponding_AssetWise_Attribute]" />
The following table describes each of the attributes required in the <Setting> sub-section:
<Setting> Attribute Description
Name A name given to the setting structure. Multiple Setting structures can be created within the Settings node for different needs. The URL will indicate which structure to use. This allows the plugin to be configured for multiple different purposes at once.
eBClassName The name of the AssetWise Class used by the creation template. If this value is omitted the plugin will not automatically create objects when none are found.
eBTemplateName The name of the AssetWise Template to use to create new objects. If this value is omitted the plugin will not automatically create objects when none are found.
eBObjectType The AssetWise Object Type that is created by the template. For example, this setting should be configured to "Document" if the template is used to create new documents.

If this value is omitted, the plugin will not automatically create objects when none are found.

Other examples of valid eBObjectType settings are "Item", "VirtualItem", "Person", etc.
Note: Only Document object types are supported.

The name of the AssetWise Report to be run with the passed parameters. This value will only be used if no eBReportName parameter is passed to the plugin through the URL.

Each parameter required by the report must include an <Input> subsection. For example, if the report that is being generated requires three parameters, then there must be three <Input> subsections within the <Setting> structure. In addition, if the settings structure is configured to automatically create objects when none are found, an additional <Input> subsection is required for any values that are used for data entry purposes.

The following table describes the possible <Input> attributes:
<Input> Attribute Description
Name The name of the parameter as passed in the URL. If the report being run has a parameter that matches this name, it will be used to run the report.
eBName This configuration is used by the automated object creation. It indicates which fields in AssetWise to populate with the passed value. This setting can be the name of any attribute. The setting can also contain the name of object properties. Valid properties for Document objects are Prefix, Middle, Revision, Title, Subject to CC, Status, Remarks, Synopsis, Date Effective, and Date Obsolete.