AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Document Copies/Files Tab

Document Copies tab

The Document Copies tab allows the user to configure Document copies / Files columns in this interface. A number of options are available to determine the behavior on when revising documents and replacing files.
  1. If Retain All Copies when copying and revising document is turned on:
    • All the copies and its securities are copied over to a new revision.
    • Add/Update document copies and files if Excel columns have values.
  2. If Retain All Copies when copying and revising document is turned off:
    • Copies are not carried to the new revision.
    • For those mapped copy /file columns that have values, copies are created and files are added.
  3. If Copy All files and Copies when copying and revising document is turned on:
    • All the files, their copies and securities are copied over to a new revision.
    • Add/Update document copies and files if Excel columns have values:
  4. If Copy All files and Copies when copying and revising document is turned off:
    • Files are not carried to the new revision.
    • For those mapped copy /file columns that have values, copies are created and files are added.
  5. If Overwrite files when same files are added is turned on:
    • If the file in the Excel column is already in the document, a new file is replaced with the existing file in the document by a checkout - checkin process. If any error is reported, it is written to the log file.
  6. If the Delete old files when replacing files option is turned on:
    • During the auto checkout - checkin process, the original file in the document is removed. If not checked, it renames the original file to historic.
    • If the file in the Excel column is not already in the document, this file is added to the document. Any error reported is written to the log file.
  7. If Overwrite files when same files are added is turned off:
    • The file in the Excel column is already in the document, this file is not added to the document. The error is written to the log file.
    • If the file in the Excel column is not already in the document, this file is added to the document. Any error is written to the log file.
  8. Copy Details
    • The import tool can create new document copies for storing files or use existing copies that may be defined either on the document or the template being imported.
    • Ensure that a value is entered for each column for the copy details if the copy has not already been defined, else specify the Copy Number and Create New at least.
  9. Viewable Files vs. Non-viewable Files
    • Selecting columns for Viewable files will deselect the Hide flag against each file thus making the file viewable against the document. This is NOT the same as the View security. It merely hides/displays the file in the Files topic but is still visible when focused on the document copy.
  10. Range Column Mapping
    • If a range of files is required to be imported into AssetWise, then the "From" and "To" columns must be mapped to the relevant columns in the Excel file containing the start electronic file and the end electronic file.
  11. Single Column Mapping
    • If the User wants to import electronic files, which are not in a range, then the User must map those columns individually. If the filename is 0012.tif then the file "0012.tif" from the images location is imported into AssetWise. If the filename is 12.tif, then the "12.tif" is imported into AssetWise. The filenames in this column are taken as they are in the mapped Excel column and picked up from the images directory.
  12. Copy Security
    • If the document copy does not already exist, it is possible to define the security for each copy created.
    • If retain copy has been selected, the copy security is also retained.