AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Web.config Configuration Settings

The following table lists Web.config configuration settings parameters.

Name Description

Specifies whether the .zip file is created and added to the distribution order.

Possible values are:
  • True – A .zip file is created
  • False – A .zip file is not created.

Specifies whether the .zip file is created with a folder structure, or all files are contained at the root.

Possible values are:
  • True – A folder structure is created
  • False – No folders are created.

Specifies whether the .zip creation should generate an error if duplicate files exist.

Possible values are:
  • True – An error message appears
  • False – Duplicate files are automatically renamed.
CoversheetCheck Specifies whether the engine verifies that a coversheet exists, before it compresses the file.
CoversheetName Specifies a coversheet filename override.

If blank, the Distribution Order name is used.

eQLTransmitalDistributionReason Specifies an eQL query used to populate the Distribution Reason list in the Package Distribution Order wizard.
eQLTransmittalDistributionTemplate Specifies an eQL query used to populate the Template list in the Package Distribution Order wizard.
eQLTransmittalProjects Specifies an eQL query used to populate the Project list in the Package Distribution Order wizard.
eQLTransmittalRecipientOrganization Specifies an eQL query used to populate the Recipients list in the Package Distribution Order wizard.
RunQueueJobsAsPersonCode Specifies the user that is associated with creating the Package Distribution Order jobs.

Specifies whether scope specific job types are used.

Possible values are:
  • True – The 'Package Distribution Order' job type is prepended with the scope name.
  • False – The default job type is used.
TransmittalCopyType Specifies the Copy type created by the Distribution Order