AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Accessing a Physical Item Using a QuickLink

To create a quicklink for a physical item in AssetWise ALIM Web, use the following syntax:

http(s)://<server>/ALIMWeb/Search/QuickLink.aspx?d=<dsn name>&n=<item number>&r=<item revision>&t=1


d= AssetWise community name (site/dsn)

n= physical item number

r= version (optional)

t= object type

Parameter Details

  • The "&" character is used to separate each parameter in the quicklink. The "&" is optional in front of the first parameter (for example, it could be &d=<dsn name> or just d=<dsn name>), but the "&" must precede the remaining parameters in the quicklink.
  • The URL must include the n parameter to define the physical item number.
  • The t parameter must be specified with a value set to 1 for a physical item. For more information, see Object Type Values for the "t" Parameter.
  • The r parameter is optional. If the r parameter is not included and multiple versions exist, all versions are listed in a search results window.

Example URLs

The following is an example of specifying physical item number:


The following is an example specifying physical item number and version:
