AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Task IDs

The following Task IDs are available for the AssetWise ALIM Object Action Management plugin:

AssetWise Web Task IDs

Plugin Task ID Name Description
Basket bktAdd Add To Basket Adds the current object to the basket
Batch Print dmCreatePrintJob Submit Print Job Submits a print job for the current document or file to the print server
Brava Viewer bvaViewDocument View Files in Brava! Opens a window with the Brava! viewer, to display the files in a document
bvaViewFile View File in Brava! Views a specific file in the Brava! viewer
bvaManageMrkup Markup Layers Opens the markup layers management tool
bvaCompareFile Compare Files Opens a window that allows the current file to be compared to a different file in the same document
Change Manager changeAdd Add Change Request Add a Change Request to the Document/Tag/Item/VIG
changeImplement Change Request Go to the CR implementation wizard for a Document/Tag/Item/VIG/CR
changeCopy Copy Copy the current CR
changeDelete Delete Delete the current CR
changeEffects Effects Analysis Show the "Change effects analysis" screen for the current CR
changeStateExpedite Expedite Set the state of the current CR to "Expedited"
changeStateProp Propose Set the state of the current CR to "Proposed "
changeStateApprove Approve Set the state of the current CR to "Approved"
changeStateCancel Cancel Set the state of the current CR to "Canceled"
changeStateReject Reject Set the state of the current CR to "Rejected"
changeStateComplete Complete Set the state of the current CR to "Complete"
Change Package changeAdd Add Change Package Overrides changeAdd from change manager opens a screen that adds a change package
gotoChangeRequest Open Change Request Opens the change request associated with a change package
gotoSource Open Source Opens the source object for a markup
cpMerge Merge With Base Object Merges the current markups with the original document/tag
createMKUP Create Markup Document Creates a new markup document from the current object
createCN Create Change Notice Creates a new change notice from the current object
gotoDisposition Open Disposition Opens a disposition document for the current tag
createPrototpe Create Prototype Creates a new prototype tag for the current tag
Compare compareObjects Compare... Opens a new window that compares the current object to another object of the same type
Core Objects coreAddFolder Add To Folder Adds the current object to a folder
coreExploreFromHere Explore From Here Opens the current object in the explorer view
coreProperties Overview Displays the properties of the display
coreChgPasswd Change Password Change the current user's password
coreCopyPerson Copy Copy the current person
coreCopyLoc Copy Copy the current location
coreAddNote Add Note Add Note to current object
corePicture Organization's Logo, Person's Picture Display the current person or organization's picture
coreEditFolder Edit Edit the current folder
coreFolderStructure Folder Structure Displays a report that contains the folder structure
coreDeleteFolder Delete Delete the current folder
coreCopyFolder Copy Copy the current folder
coreDeleteQuery Delete Delete the current query
coreDeleteObject Delete Delete the current object
coreCreateRecord Create Snapshot Create a new snapshot of the current object
coreUpdateNumber Update Number Updates the number/code of the current note
coreEditNote Edit Edits a note
coreDeleteNote Delete Deletes a note
coreEmailNote Email Emails the current note
reclassification Reclassify object Changes the class of the current object
Distribution distCHolderPer Change Holders Change the holder of a document that a current person is holding
distAckRxPer Acknowledge Receipts Acknowledge the receipt of a transmittal from a person
distRetDocPer Return Documents Return documents that you are holding
distColssTr Commit Issue Issues the current transmittal
distTRUnassign Unassign Items Unassigns line items from a transmittal
distAssLi Assign Items Assigns line items to a transmittal
distCHolderTr Change Holders Changes the holder of a document from current transmittal
distAckRxTr Acknowledge Receipts Acknowledge the receipt of current transmittal
distRetDocTr Return Documents Return documents from a transmittal
distSendMail Email Transmittal(s) Emails the current transmittal
distRejectTr Reject Transmittal Rejects the current transmittal
distApproveTr Approve Transmittal Approves the current transmittal
distPrnDoc Print Documents Sends documents for printing locally
distTrRep View Transmittal Report Views a report for detailing transmittals
distCreateRec Create Snapshot Create a snapshot of the current transmittal
distSvrPrnTr Submit Print Job Submits a print job for server printing
distGetAllTr Get All Files Retrieves all files in a transmittal locally
distIssueElectronicFilesTr Issue Electronic Files Issue the electronic files in the current transmittal
distColssDo Commit Issue Issues the transmittals in the current distribution order
distSubDo Submit Submit the current distribution order for approval
distApprDo Approve Approve the current distribution order
distCancDo Cancel Cancels the current distribution order
distNotifDo Email Transmittal(s) Sends emails for the transmittals in the current distribution order
distCr8Tr Create Transmittal Creates a transmittal for the current distribution order
distCr8Co Create Copies Creates new document copies to represent documents being transmitted
distDelDo Delete Delete the current distribution order
distCopyDo Copy Copy the current distribution order
distSvrPrnDo Submit Print Job Submits a print job for the current distribution order
distGetAllDo Get All Files Get All Files
distIssueElectronicFilesDo Issue Electronic Files Issues the files in the distribution order
distDelDl Delete Delete the current distribution list
distNotFHol Notify Holders Send a message to the holders of the objects in a distribution order
Document Manager dmSnapshotOf Snapshot of If the current document is a snapshot of an object, link to that object
dmCopyDelete Delete Delete current document copy
dmCopyEdit Edit Edit current document copy
dmLaunchFiles Launch Files Launches the files in the current copy/document
dmRender Render Converts files in the current copy/document to a new format, for example, PDF
dmRevisionManagement Revision Management Manage revisions of this document
dmDocDelete Delete Delete current document
dmCreateCopy Create Copies Create new document copy objects on the current document
dmDocCopy Copy Copy the current document
dmGetLocalFile Get Local Copy Gets a copy of the files in the current document on the local machine
dmNewRev New Revision Make a new revision of an approved NON copy-controlled document
dmCheckOut Check Out Checks out the current document
dmCheckIn Check In Checks in the current document
dmUndoCheckOut Undo Check Out Undoes checkout on the current document
dmUnlock Unlock Unlocks a document locked with dmLock
dmLock Lock Locks the current document to prevent others from changing files
dmUnapprove Unapprove Sets the current NON Change Controlled document status to "Not Approved" from "Approved"
dmApprove Approve Approves the current document if it is in "Not Approved" state
dmNotApproved Not Approved If the current document is in "Planned" state, set it to "Not Approved"
dmFileDelete Delete Deletes the current file
dmLaunchFile Launch Launches the current file
dmGetLocalFile Get Local Copy Downloads the files in the selected document as a zip
dmFileProperties Properties Displays the properties (metadata) of the current file
dmCreateFileContainer Add Files Creates a file container on the current object
dmProperties Properties Shows the current document's metadata for a document
Document Preparation docPrepMerge Office Merge Creates an Office document from a Word template for the current object
Note: Requires version 15.5.1 or greater
Email emlSend Send Email Sends an email about the current object
Item Manager imMaintainIList Maintain List Displays the Maintain Item Lists screen for the current Physical Item List
imViewIList View List Invokes the properties of the Item List
imMaintainSList Maintain List Displays the Maintain Item Lists screen for the current Serial Item List
imViewSList View List Invokes the properties of the Serial Item List
imEditSItem Delete Deletes the current serialized item
imCopySItem Copy Creates a copy of the current serialized item
imCopySList Copy Creates a copy of the current Serialized Item List
imCopyIList Copy Creates a copy of the current Physical Item List
imDelItem Delete Delete the current physical item
imCopyItem Copy Copy the current physical item
imCr8Bline Create Baseline Creates a baseline for the current physical item
imCr8IList Create Physical Item List Creates a Physical item list for the current Physical Item
imCr8SList Create Serialized Item List Creates a serialized item list for the current physical item
imCr8SItem Create Serial Item Creates a serialized item from the current physical item
Notification docNotify Create Creates a notification for the current object
Publisher pubDelPack Delete Deletes the current publisher package
pubDelCont Modify Content Opens a screen which modifies the content of the package
pubEditPackage Modify Options Open a screen which modifies the options of the output of the package
pubAddPackage Add To Publisher Adds the current object to a package
Note: Requires version 15.5.1 or greater
pubPackage Publish a Package Publishes the current package
pubFolder Publish Publishes a folder's content
Quick Links qlMakeUrl Get Quicklink URL Opens a screen which allows a link to the current object to be obtained
Record Manager rmContent Contents Displays the contents report for a file plan
rmSubmit Submit Sets the status of the current disposition order to "Submitted"
rmApprove Approve Sets the status of the current disposition order to "Approved" once submitted
rmReject Reject Sets the status of the current disposition order to "Rejected" once submitted
Subscription subAddSubscription Subscription Add a subscription to the current document
subPersonSubscriptions Subscriptions List the subscriptions for the current person
subViewSubscription Subscriptions List the subscriptions for the current organization
Tag Operations tagDelete Delete Deletes the current tag
tagUnapprove Unapprove Sets the status of the current tag to "Not Approved"
tagApprove Approve Sets the status of the current tag to "Approved"
tagCopy Copy Copies the specified tag
tagUprev New Revision Creates a new revision of a non-cc tag
User Preferences Plugin usrEditPrefs Edit User Preferences Edit the preferences of the current user (where current user is not you)
Virtual Item Manager vigExploreFromHere Explore From Here Adds the current virtual item to the left pane, so that the user can navigate through it
vigCopy2BaseLine Create Baseline Creates a baseline from the current virtual item group
vicCopyStructure Copy Structure Copies the current virtual item group structure
vigDelete Delete Delete the current virtual item group
vigUnapprove Unapprove Unapprove the current virtual item group if it is NOT change controlled
vigApprove Approve Approve the current virtual item group
vigNotApproved Not Approved Sets the status of the current virtual item group to "Not Approved" if it is planned
Work Manager weReAssignWorkTask Reassign Work to Me Assigns work tasks to the current person
weCreateObject Create Work Order Creates a work order that is attached to the current document
weGoUp Work Order Goes to the work order from the current work task
weAccept Accept Accept the current task (or on another object, accept the work task for which the object is a subject)
weSkip Skip Skips the current task
weRejectTask Reject Rejects the current task
weTaskAllocation Reassign Work Task Reassigns the current work task to a user
weCancelTask Cancel Task Cancels the current work task
weComplete Complete Completes the current task (or on another object, complete the work task for which the object is a subject)
weDelegate Delegate Delegates the current work task or work order
weRework Rework Reworks the current work task
weApprove Approve Approves the current work order
weReject Reject Rejects the current work order
weSchedule Calculate Schedule Invokes a window that allows the current work order to have its tasks scheduled
weAssign Edit Assignments Invokes a window that allows you to assign work order tasks to people
weSubmit Submit Submits the current work order
weCancel Cancel Cancels the current work order
weSuspend Suspend Suspends the current work order
weResume Resume Resumes the currently suspended work order
weCancelAll Cancel All Tasks On a canceled work order, cancel any active task so that the work order can be fully stopped
weDeleteWO Delete Work Order Delete a canceled work order
Note: All tasks must be completed or canceled
weApprovalWO Create Approval WO Create an Approval Work Order on a CR, document, event, tag, work order, or item