AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Web.config Configuration Settings

The following table lists Web.config configuration settings parameters.

Name Type Default Description
AcceptRoles String Administrators

Specifies a semi-colon separated list of AssetWise roles that have permission to accept valid documents/files.

AllRejectionRequired String False Specifies whether a rejection reason is required for all files being rejected.
Valid values:
  • True – Requires a rejection reason for all files
  • False – No rejection reason is required.
BlockActionOnErrors String False Specifies whether acceptance and rejection of documents/files is prevented if there are submittal level validation errors.
Valid values:
  • True – Actions are disabled
  • False – Actions are enabled.
BlockAcceptOnErrors String True

Specifies whether acceptance of documents/files is prevented if there are document or file level validation errors.

Valid values:

  • True – Acceptance is disabled
  • False – Acceptance is enabled
DownloadInputFiles String False Forwards the setting to the SSIS engine to indicate whether the files on the submittal document should be downloaded for SSIS processing.

Valid values:

  • True - input files can be downloaded by the SSIS engine
  • False - input files cannot be downloaded by the SSIS engine
eQLAcceptSSISDocument String START WITH Document SELECT Id WHERE Code='Accept' AND Class.Code='SSIS'

Specifies an eQL query to retrieve the SSIS package document for submittal acceptance.

eQLRejectSSISDocument String START WITH Document SELECT Id WHERE Code='Reject' AND Class.Code='SSIS' Specifies an eQL query to retrieve the SSIS package document for submittal rejection.
eQLSubmittalClassList String START WITH Document SELECT Id WHERE ClassGroup.ObjectType = 3 Specifies and eQL query to designate which document classes will display the Submittal tasks in the Action pane.
eQLValidationSSISDocument String START WITH Document SELECT Id WHERE Code='Validate' AND Class.Code='SSIS Specifies an eQL query to retrieve the SSIS package document for submittal validation.
RunQueueJobsAsPersonCode String Specifies the user that the Submittal SSIS jobs will run as. If not specified, the jobs will run as the user that created the job.
SingleRejectionRequired String False Specifies whether a rejection reason is required for at least one file when multiple files are rejected.
Valid values:
  • True – Requires a rejection reason for one of the files being rejected
  • False – No rejection reason is required.
SplitJobTypes Boolean False

Specifies whether scope specific job types are used.

Possible values are:
  • True – The 'Submittal Acceptance SSIS', 'Submittal Rejection SSIS', and 'Submittal Validation SSIS' job types are prepended with the scope name
  • False – The default job type is used.
ViewWithBrava String False Specifies whether the file hyperlink opens the file in Brava! or launches the file in its native application.
Valid values:
  • True – Opens the file in Brava!
  • False – Opens the file in its native application.