AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Downloading a File Using a QuickLink

To download a specific file when the internal file ID is known, use the following syntax for constructing a quicklink:

http(s)://<server>/<site>/Framework/Endpoint/DownloadFile.ashx?d=<dsn name>&fileID=<file ID>


d=AssetWise community name (site\dsn)

fileID=internal database ID for the file

Parameter Details

  • The "&" character is used to separate each parameter in the quicklink. The "&" is optional in front of the first parameter (for example, it could be &d=<dsn name> or just d=<dsn name>), but the "&" must precede the remaining parameters in the quicklink.
  • You can locate the file ID using the following methods:
    • Right-click the file in AssetWise ALIM Web and select Properties.
    • Hover over the file in AssetWise ALIM Web and the file ID displays at the bottom of the window.
    • Under the database table dbo.doc.source.
Important: When a user checks in an update to a file, the file ID changes, so the file ID is not persistent. Also, if you choose not to keep historic files after a check in, the URL containing the file ID will be out of date and will not work.

Example URL


The preferred method is to use the document number QuickLink specifying <m=v> or <m=l> to view or launch the files in a document.

Note: The %5c inside a URL represents a backslash ("\"). For example, d=Main%5cALIMWeb is used to represent d=Main\ALIMWeb.