AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Coversheet Configuration

When defining the Microsoft Excel coversheet to be used in an AssetWise Package Distribution Order, you must ensure the following:
  1. The configured coversheet is added to the File Container template
  2. Only OpenXML based Excel files (xlsx, Office 2007 and later) are supported for coversheets. Macro enabled files (.xlsm) are not supported.
  3. Formulas can be used within the sheet, but coversheet tags must remain in a separate cell.
  4. The value of coversheet cells that must be populated must contain special tags:
    • The tag format is
    • Tag start is denoted with a { and Tag end is denoted with a }
    • Object is the source object. The following objects are supported:
      • Transmittal – The distribution order
      • TransmittalItem – One or more documents that are added to the distribution order
      • TransmittalItemFile – The file associated to the TransmittalItem
    • Value is the equivalent to an eQL statement
    • Filter is the equivalent to an eQL statement, Where Clause, and is optional
    • Each Tag component is separated by a | (vertical bar).
    • There must be one Transmittal object, and one or more TransmittalItem objects.
    • The TransmittalItem tags must be in the first row of a table. The system adds additional rows for each TransmittalItem.
    • Special tag {Count} is used to populate the number of transmittal items in the coversheet.