AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Generating QuickLinks in AssetWise ALIM Web

In AssetWise ALIM Web, you can generate a quicklink for the current object by clicking Get QuickLink Url. This opens the Get QuickLink Url window, which lets you configure the link (Link Options). When finished configuring the link, you copy the URL text in the Quick Link Url field and then paste the URL into a form or document.

The available Link Options depend on the type of object for which the user is trying to generate a quicklink. When generating a quicklink for a document, the options are Mode, Status, and Document Copy. When generating a quicklink for any other supported object type, only the Mode options are available.

Below is an example of the Get QuickLink URL for a document:

Below is an example of the Get QuickLink URL for a person: