AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

SSIS Engine Output

When the SSIS engine completes, the "OnSubmittalActioned" event is triggered. This event occurs regardless of whether the process has succeeded or has failed.

This event has the following signature:

Parameter Data Type Description
@ps_sender NVARCHAR(255) Indicates the origin of the event, for example "Submittal"
@pi_called_by INT The Session ID of the user calling the event
@pi_document_id INT The ID of the Submittal document
@ps_behavior NVARCHAR (255) Indicates the activity that triggered the event.
Valid values are:
  • Accept
  • Notify
  • Reject
  • Validate
@ps_process_complete NVARCHAR(1) Valid values are:

Y - Process completed

N - Process did not complete

@ps_message NVARCHAR(2000) The output message from the engine specifying errors encountered during processing