AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Mask Configuration

The Settings.xml file supports settings for multiple scopes. Each root node setting is per scope. The scope name is specified in the "Scope" attribute on the node.

Setting Description
name The display name to identify each mask setting.

The name should be unique within a scope configuration.

For example,


The Mask type.

Valid values are:

  • Attribute - the attribute of the distribution order
  • Relationship - the relationship to the distribution order
  • Label - the label (wizard display only)
  • Property - the property of the distribution order



This is only used for "Label" type elements. For all other elements, leave this value empty.

This value can be any select element from an eQL statement. The eQL statement is executed against the Distribution Order template. For example, if you want to display the default Title of the template, specify "Name". If a static value is needed, it must be denoted via single quotation marks, for example, 'Test value'

For example,


The name of the attribute.

Used only for mask settings of Type "Attribute".

If the attribute name is entered, the scope must be specified.

For example,

scope="SCOPENAME">Unit</attributename >

The name of the property.

Used only for mask settings of Type "Property".

The current version supports following properties:

  • Name (Title)
  • Middle
  • Revision
  • Remark
  • DateObsolete
  • DateEffective

For example,

<propertyname>Middle</propertyname >
relatedobjecttype the object type for the related objects.

Used only for relationship type mask settings.

For example,


Name of the relationship template. Only used for mask settings of Type Relationship. If the template name is filled in the template name and the scope both must to be specified.

For example,

<relationshiptemplate scope=”SCOPENAME”>IR-DOC_STRUCTURES_CONTAINED-T</relationshiptemplate >

Filter for specifying related objects. Only used for mask settings of type Relationship. This is typically eQL where clause.

For example,

<filter>Class.Path = ‘Locations\Area Codes’</filter>
defaultvalue Used to set the default value for the text boxes or selection lists in the wizard.

This is an optional value.

For selection lists, the value must match exactly with the selection list text.