AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

Security Tab

Security tab

The Security tab allows the user to configure security roles with the applicable permission in this interface. A checkbox is available to set the state to either retain security roles or not when creating a new revision.
  1. If retain value is turned on and the document is created from the template:
    • It uses the template security.
    • If the document is created without the template, it updates Security based on the roles configured for the import (this is defined in the ini file).
    • If no security roles are configured no security is assigned to the document.
    • If security roles are configured, it assigns roles to the given document with those configured permissions.
    • If the document is updated, no changes are made to the security settings.
    • If the document is revised, the security settings from the current revision are used on the next revision. (Document security and attribute security). There are no additional changes to the security settings.
  2. If retain value is turned off:
    • If the document is created from the template, it uses the template security.
    • If the document is created without the template, it updates Security based on the roles configured for the import (this is defined in the ini file).
    • If no security roles are configured no security is assigned to the document.
    • If security roles are configured, it assigns roles to the given document with those given permission.
    • If the document is updated, no changes are made to the security settings.
    • If the document is revised, it does not use the security settings from the current revision to next revision. (Document security and attribute security are removed).
    • If no security roles are configured, no security is assigned to the new document.
    • If security roles are configured, it assigns roles to the new document with those configured permissions.