AssetWise ALIM Web Implementation Guide

<enableimmersiveoperations> Configuration

The Object Action Management plugin also provides the means for Digital Immersive Operations (DIO) in the AssetWise ALIM Web interface. This functionality allows the AssetWise ALIM Web user to launch the configured iModel view to view 3D immersive iModels in the Bentley iModel Hub.

Enabling Digital Immersive Operations

The add task configuration can also be used in the <enableimmersiveoperations> node. However, for digital immersive operations, additional information must be provided so that the tasks do not appear on all objects, resulting in a tasks panel that displays tasks that are not available for the current object. There is special logic built into behavior related to immersive digital operations option.

The following table describes each of the possible <enableimmersiveoperations> sub-nodes:

Node Description

Turns on the immersive digital operations link.


Determines whether the link should open in a new window or information pane.

A value of _blank opens the link in a new window.

Note: The target must be set to _blank, all other values will be ignored.

The base URL of the digital operations iModel viewer site.


The AssetWise Scope for the attributes defined in <digopscontextidatt> and <digopsimodelidatt>.

Note: Generally, the value of this setting is set to "Global" because typically document attributes are defined at the top level Global scope. Contact your system administrator if you require a different setting value. An attribute may not be defined in more than one scope.

The AssetWise document attribute name that will store the contextId required by the iModelHub viewer. This is a user configured attribute that must exist on the AssetWise managed document. If it does not exist (or its value is empty). the link to launch the iModel viewer will not be displayed.


The AssetWise document attribute name that will store the modelId required by the iModelHub viewer. This is a user configured attribute that must exist on the AssetWise managed document. If it does not exist ( or its value is empty ) the link to launch the iModel viewer will not be displayed.


The Javascript window options for the immersive operations window.

The following is an example of the <enableimmersiveoperations> node located in the AssetWise ALIM Web Object Action Management XML configuration file. (For more information, see Configuration):
Important: When setting <enabled> to "true", all other fields must also have values, otherwise all Object Action Management menu items will not be available.
   <digopscontextidatt>Context ID</digopscontextidatt>
   <digopsimodelidatt>Model ID</digopsimodelidatt>

Object Menu Items for Documents

This section describes how to configure the configuration file so that the following two DIO-related Object menu tasks appear:

Map ALIM Assets to iModel

If the current AssetWise ALIM Web object is a Document that meets the following criteria the Map ALIM Assets to iModel menu option appears on the Object menu:
  • <enabled> is set to "true" in <enabledimmersiveoperations>
  • There is either a single iModel or ibim file
  • There is a value set in the attribute specified in <digopsattscope>
  • There is a value set in the attribute specified in <digopscontextidatt>
  • There is a value set in the attribute specified in <digopsimodelidatt>

The Map ALIM Assets to iModel command submits a work engine queue job to the server which maps AssetWise managed Assets (also referred to as Tags), to elements within an iModel that is stored on the iModel Hub.

Map ALIM Assets to iModel is a prerequisite to Launch i.model, below.

Launch i.imodel

If the current AssetWise ALIM Web object is a Document that meets the following criteria, the Launch <imodelname>.i.imodel option, (where <imodelname> is the name of the imodel), appears on the Object menu:
  • The <enabled> value is set to "true" in <enabledimmersiveoperations>
  • There is a value set in the attribute specified in <digopsattscope>
  • There is a value set in the attribute specified in <digopscontextidatt>
  • There is a value set in the attribute specified in <digopsimodelidatt>
  • A Map ALIM Assets to iModel queue job has been submitted and successfully completed.

Object Menu Items for Tags

If the current AssetWise ALIM Web object is a Tag that meets the following criteria, one or more Launch <imodelname>.i.imodel, (where <imodelname> is the name of the imodel), options appear on the Object menu.
  • A Map ALIM Assets to iModel queue job has been submitted and successfully completed on one or more AssetWise documents, as described in "Map ALIM Assets to iModel" above
  • The above queue job found the currently loadedALIM tag/asset, in one or more iModels. If more than one iModel is found, there is a menu option for each tag/asset. For example,
  • The completed queue job successfully created the model registration entry in the external objects table for the related model document(s)
  • The completed queue job successfully created asset registration for the tag in the external objects table.