AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help


When a Replace operation is carried out all assets and other 'events' associated with the Element are transferred to the new Element created as a result of the Replace operation. The new Element will adopt the same naming convention as the selected Element (or the Unique Reference may be manually entered if the Network Type for the datum element allows it).

The new Element will 'inherit' any Network Attributes and Group memberships of the replaced' Element.

The Replaced Element is end-dated, thus ensuring a full historical record is kept of the Network.

Note: The Network and all associated Asset records may be displayed as they existed prior to the Replace operation by setting the Effective Date to a date that precedes the Replace operation.
Replace Clicking this button opens the Replace dialog, allowing you to define the replace settings.

The Replace functionality could be used to re-digitize a badly digitized element or can be used in conjunction with a Recalibrate action to remodel a piece of network after some minor re-alignment has taken place.

Some organizations require a reason for the Replace action to be provided.