AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Editing Theme Details

Note: With the exception of Custom Themes, the settings for each theme are populated automatically by the system when a new asset or linear group types theme is created. Users can change specific theme properties only.

To update the properties of an existing theme, open the GIS Themes Details page and press the button next to the theme name. The GIS Themes Details form opens:

The theme properties are grouped into two panels as follows:

GIS Theme Settings

  • Theme Name (Required): This is a unique descriptive key field for the Theme record. Enter a unique theme name. This name will be displayed in the AWLRS legend when the theme is displayed. Note: The Theme Name must match the corresponding Layer Name in Map Builder.
  • Theme Table (Read-only): The name of the table or view where the source attribute data for the Theme resides.
  • Key Column (Read-only): The primary key column for the asset view (displayed in the Asset Metadata- NM0410 form). For standard inventory views (i.e. not external tables) this value must be set to NE_ID.
  • Label Column (Required): The value in the label column indicates the field in the spatial table be used by AWLRS for labeling functionality.
  • Easting (Read-only): The column in the view that contains the X-coordinate for the location of each record in the Theme. This field will only be populated for Point Asset Types that are defined by XY coordinates.
  • Northing (Read-only): The column in the view that contains the Y-coordinate for the location of each record in the Theme. This field will only be populated for Point Asset Types that are defined by XY coordinates.
  • Theme Type (Read-only): Used for backward compatibility only – will always display ‘SDO’.
  • Product (Read-only): This field will contain one of the product codes (NET, HIG, AST, etc.) for the licensed Exor product that will be used to maintain the record type of the theme.
  • Storage Type (Read-only): Used for backward compatibility only – will always display ‘STORED’.
  • Base Table Theme (Read-only): If the theme table is based on a database view this field will contain the name of the table with the true spatial features that the theme view is based on.

    For example if the theme table (not the spatial table) that contains all the defects is called DEFECTS and the theme name for this table is ALL_DEFECTS and you have a view of defects which is based on all Priority 1 defects called V_DEFECT_PR1 with a theme name of DEFECTS_PR1, you would set the base table theme to ‘ALL_DEFECTS’. So for V_NM_NIT_PVIN_SDO the Base Table would be the NM_NIT_PVIN_SDO table theme.

  • Dependency (Read-only): This value indicates to the SSV procedures whether the spatial layer is dependent on another layer or not. Typically the datum layer will be flagged as ‘I’ whereas server-created asset and route layers which depend on the datum layer will be flagged as ‘D’.
  • Update on Edit (Read-only): The values are used by the spatial server procedures and indicate whether any edits in the logical data will be reflected dynamically in the layer or whether they should be deferred and be updated at later stage using a DBMS job.

    This field can take three possible values:

    Typically for Themes relating to tables this value will be set to ‘I’ (Immediate), whereas for themes based on views it will be set to ‘N’ (None) as any edits will be immediately reflected in the database view.

  • Location Updateable (Yes/No switch): This is a flag to indicate if the spatial representation of the object is updatable. If this box is not checked, users would not be able to relocate the feature in AWLRS.
  • Where Clause (Optional): You can enter where clause in this field for the layer if you wish to use to limit the number of records returned.
  • Snap to Theme (Read-only): A Y(es)/N(o) flag to denote that the spatial feature will be snapped to the centerline of a route (or located along a route using reverse dynamic segmentation). This only applies to off-network assets and non-asset layers. Set automatically by the system at layer creation time based on the Asset type.
  • LREF Mandatory (Yes/No switch, Read-only): Flag to denote if features in the Theme are to be snapped to linear layer. It only applies to off-network assets. Set automatically by the system at layer creation time.
  • Tolerance (Read-only): Used for backward compatibility only – will always display ‘10.
  • Use History (Read-only): Flag to indicate if the spatial feature table supports history. Set automatically by the system at layer creation time.
  • Start Date (Read-only): Column that holds the start date column name if history is used.
  • End Date (Read-only): Column that holds the end date column name if history is used.

Spatial Table Settings

  • Feature table (Read-only): This field contains the name of the spatial table or view that contains the geometries of the items to be displayed in this theme.
  • Feature Primary Key (Read-only): This field contains the name of the primary key column for the spatial table.
  • Feature Foreign Key (Read-only): It will be populated automatically by server procedures for Asset or Group layers.
  • Spatial Column (Read-only): This field defines the column in the spatial table (Feature Table value) which holds the geometries.
  • Network Table (Read-only): This should always be set to NM_ELEMENTS, preceded with the table owner (i.e. NM31.NM_ELEMENTS).
  • Start Chainage (Read-only): The column in the asset view that contains the value for the start measure for each asset record. This only applies to point or continuous features created using dynamic segmentation.
  • End Chainage (Read-only): The column in the inventory view that contains the value for the end measure for each asset record. Only applies to linear asset types created using dynamic segmentation. If the asset type is a Point then this value will be empty.
  • Last Analyzed (Read-only): The date and time the spatial table was last analyzed. This value will only be populated for table-based layers.
  • CRS (Read-only): The EPSG Code for the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) used for this spatial table.
  • CRS Description (Read-only): The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) description as Well-Known Text (WKT).

Spatial Table Actions Menu

Click the Actions menu to display the following menu options:

  • Refresh Metadata: This will update the layer metadata for this layer. This may be necessary in some cases, especially if you added data outside the initial spatial extents of your layer.
  • Analyze Feature Table: To enhance drawing performance in AWLRS it is sometimes necessary to analyze the spatial table and associated indexes. You can use the Analyze Feature Table button to achieve this.
    Note: This button will be enabled for table-based themes only.
  • Rebuild Spatial Index: You can use this button to drop and recreate the spatial index for the spatial table.
    Note: This button will be enabled for table-based themes only.