AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Mail Groups

Mail Users can be grouped together to form mailing lists. The Mail Groups form lists all mail groups/mailing lists that have been set up.

Selecting an item from the Mail Groups list displays the member users.

Creating a new Mail Group

To create a new Mail User, press the icon on the top right of the page. The Create Mail Group dialog is displayed:

Enter the new Group name and press Save to create the Group.

Add a Member to a Mail Group

To add a Mail User as a member to the Group press the icon at the top right of the Mail Group Value section. The Create Mail Group Member dialog is displayed:

Click the User Name dropdown and select a mail user to add to the group. Click Save. A success message appears briefly on screen. Repeat for as many users as need to be added.

Delete a Member from a Mail Group

To delete a member, click their user name in the Mail Group Value section, then press the trashcan icon at the top right of the section. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to continue.

Deleting a Mail Group

To delete a group, press the trashcan icon on the top right of the Mail Groups section. A message is displayed to confirm the action: