AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Submit a Process

The Submit Process form allows the manual submission of a process of any type provided it has been flagged as being able to ‘initiate from the process submission module’ from within the Process Types.

The Submit Process dialog includes the following fields:

  • Type of Process dropdown - This will only be displayed if:
    • There is a process type role in common with the user OR the user is unrestricted
    • In Process Types the ‘Initiate from Process Submission Module’ checkbox is ticked
  • Reference (Optional) - Enter a text reference if required.
  • Start Date (Required) - Enter the date for the process to run.
  • Expected Schedule Date (Read-Only) - Based on the start date the expected schedule date will be displayed.
  • Frequency(Required)(Dropdown list) – Select a frequency for the submission. Valid frequencies for the process will have been defined in the frequencies tab in Process Types.