AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Selection Results

The Selection Results dialog displays the elements returned when you select features in the map.

Selection results for different record types will be displayed in separate tabs. The number of records of each type is shown in parentheses next to the layer/tab name.

If you want to reselect items from the map while the selection results dialog is open, move and/or resize the dialog, pan/zoom and use one open the selection tools to repeat the selection. The selection results dialog will refresh displaying the new result set(s). Closing the results dialog and repeating the selection workflow will display the dialogue in its default location (centered on the screen).

You can sort the results by attribute by clicking the header in the attribute title column. Click once to assort by ascending order, click twice to sort in descending order.

You can filter results by attribute by clicking the Filter icon next to the desired attribute. When you click the filter button a window will open allowing you to enter the filter settings.

Select the operator from the menu and enter the Filter Value, then click the Filter button.

The Actions button offers the following commands when one or more records are selected in the list:
  • Export: Exports the selected record(s) as a shapefile or a csv by clicking the Export button. This opens an Export dialog that allows you to select the format (shapefile or csv).
  • Zoom to Selected: Centers the map view on the associated record.
AWLRS also can link and associate assets or network element records to other Bentley or external applications. For example, you can:
  • associate asset records to the relevant repository in ProjectWise
  • associate asset records to the relevant 3D model in Digital Operations
  • spawn a Google Street view map for a network element
  • etc.

When an external application is linked there will be a command associated with it in the Actions button menu.

For more details on how to set up these association please refer to AWLRS Admin Guide.

Click the Attributes button next to a record to open that record's Attributes dialog.

Click the Zoom To record button to center the map view on the associated record.

You can export the selected record(s) as a shapefile or a csv by clicking the Export button . This opens an Export dialog that allows you to select the format (shapefile or csv).