ALIM Web Help

To Set Bulk Import Preferences

  1. From the Settings ( ) icon, click Bulk import configuration.
    Tip: You can also access bulk import preferences by selecting Bulk Import from the Navigation pane.
  2. Enter the default preferences by specifying the following:
    • The document class for the bulk import configuration files
    • The bulk import configuration document template name
      Note: The User account must have View/Modify Security permission for the template and the document copy.
    • A folder name that will be used to create a subfolder in the user's Favorites folder that will list all imports created by the user
    • The file path mapping where the files to be imported will be placed
    • The file path mapping where files to be exported from AssetWise will be placed
      Note: This export mapping will be used by the Get All Files feature in the AssetWise Distribution module.
  3. Select whether files should be exported to a subfolder per document being exported. This will ensure that in the event there are duplicate file names between documents, the export will be able to export the files seamlessly. For example,
  4. Click Update to save the preferences.
    Note: Preferences are system-wide and are applicable to all users who will be importing and exporting documents.