AECOsim Building Designer Help

Selector - Grouped Criteria dialog

Used to group existing criteria sets to make selections based on multiple saved selection criteria. The Selector - Grouped Criteria dialog contains controls to define the grouped criteria sets that appear in the Select By Attributes dialog.

Group Description

Displays a list of the grouped criteria sets.


Add new grouped criteria.

Opens the Selector – Build Group dialog.

The Selector – Build Group dialog contains controls to string together existing criteria sets into Grouped Criteria.

  • Selector – Build Group (Criteria Set Description) — Select from the existing criteria sets list to build new grouped criteria.
  • Selector – Build Group (Operator) — Select one of the listed operators. Operators are used to manipulate elements in the target file(s) to be included or excluded from the selection created by the grouped criteria.
    • Exclusive – Excludes the elements selected by the active criteria set, in effect creating an inverted sub-selection in the overall grouped criteria selection set.
    • Inclusive – Includes the elements selected by the active criteria set in the overall grouped criteria selection set.
    • Add Matching – Adds the elements that satisfy the selected criteria set to the overall grouped criteria selection set.
    • Remove Matching – Removes the elements that satisfy the selected criteria set from the overall grouped criteria selection set.
    • Keep Matching – Overrides any previous exclusive criteria set by keeping the elements that satisfy the selected criteria set in the overall grouped criteria selection set.
    • Add Not Matching – Overrides any previous inclusive criteria set by adding all elements that do not satisfy the selected criteria set in the overall grouped criteria selection set.
  • Selector – Build Group (Insert) — Insert one of the existing criteria sets into the grouped criteria list.
  • Selector – Build Group (Criteria group box) — Contains controls to manipulate the criteria set order within the group. Operators determine inclusiveness and exclusiveness of the individual criteria sets within the group.
    • Criteria display – Displays the inserted criteria sets in a two column list.
      • Criteria Set Description – Displays the selected criteria sets to be used in the grouped criteria.

      • Operator – Displays the operator value assigned to the selected criteria sets.

    • Delete – Deletes the selected criteria set from the group.
    • Modify – When selected, the criteria set's name and operator are re-enabled in the criteria set description and operator settings where modifications are made. Clicking the Modify button applies changes to the selected criteria set.
    • Up – Moves the selected criteria set up towards the top of the criteria set list. This has an effect on the operator settings behavior.
    • Down – Moves the selected criteria set down towards the bottom of the criteria set list. This has an effect on the operator settings behavior.
  • Selector – Build Group (Name) — Used to key in a name for the grouped criteria.
  • Selector – Build Group (Save) — Used to save the grouped criteria and close the Selector - Build Group dialog. This action also places the grouped criteria name into the grouped criteria list in the Selector - Grouped Criteria dialog.

Deletes the selected grouped criteria.


Modifies the selected grouped criteria. Clicking the modify button opens the Selector - Build Group dialog where modifications are made.