AECOsim Building Designer Help

Export VRML World File Dialog, Image Options Tab

Sets image file specifications.

Full Paths If on, the full file specification (with device and path) is used to specify image filenames. Otherwise only the filename (and extension) is included. Some browsers find image files specified by a complete path while many others only find files if they are in the same directory as the VRML file.
Export Map Files If on, all image files (background and pattern maps) are created (if they do not already exist) in the same directory as the VRML file. This can be very convenient to use when browsers do not accept full path names or when you are gathering a set of image files to publish to the Internet. You should export the image files with the VRML file, as the exported image files can be set to a uniform (smaller) size and to a format that browsers understand.
Size Many browsers only use texture maps of a limited resolution and reduce the size automatically for larger images. Live3D, for example, reduces the size of texture images to 128 X 128 as they are read from disk. In order to avoid wasting valuable disk space on a web server, use the smallest possible images.
  • 128 x 128
  • 256 x 256
  • Original — If Original is selected, the size of the exported texture files will be the same as the original image files.
Format The VRML Publisher currently supports exporting image files in the following formats:
  • Original
  • JPEG (JFIF) — JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) provides the highest compression (smallest files) of any of the image formats. JPEG stores an approximation of the original image, the accuracy of which depends on the amount of compression specified (minimum loss compression produces the most accurate image with the least compression). JPEG is supported by most VRML browsers.
  • TIFF — TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) supports compression and image types other than indexed color.
  • PNG — PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a relatively new standard designed to replace GIF due to legal issues involving the GIF compression scheme. The PNG format does not suffer loss due to compression and has excellent compression; however, a PNG image is almost always larger than those stored with JPEG. While PNG files support transparency and materials with transparent backgrounds will be exported as transparent PNG files, not all VRML browsers currently support transparent PNG images.
Compression The following compressions are available: Minimum Loss, Low Loss, Medium Loss, and High Loss.
Color Mode The following color modes are available: 24–bit Color and Grayscale.