AECOsim Building Designer Help

The Project Folder

The project folder \\Configuration\Workspaces\.......\[MyProject] contains the subdirectories and settings files needed to support Energy Simulator projects.

  • \\[MyProject]\EnergySim - Contains the actual DGN files used to model the Energy Simulator graphical elements.
  • \\[MyProject]\Results – Contains subdirectories Simulation, SteadyState, and Conceptual where data files and reports are saved. Each simulation that was executed for the project (whose results were not deleted) is saved in a subdirectory within Results and is named using the simulation run’s unique (user defined) name. Similarly, each calculation that was executed is saved in a subdirectory within SteadyState and is named using the calculation type. 90.1.2010, for instance.
  • \\[MyProject]\Support\energydata
    • Catalogs – Contains files that store the data catalogs required by the project. These catalogs describe and define for the project; Constructions, Fins, Materials and Standard Rooms.
    • HVAC – Contains a file that stores the HVAC system data saved in the project. This data file describes and defines the EnergyPlus HVAC data for systems and components that are simulated in Energy Simulator.
    • Schedules – Contains files that store the schedules data catalogs used in the project. These data files describe and define day, month and year schedules that are saved for the project, and used by the energy simulator.
    • Weather data – Contains weather data files used by the project. The data files in the project folders are defined by the application. The first time you open Energy Simulator, a default weather data file is used.
CAUTION: Energy Simulator does not open regular folders. For Energy Simulator to work, it is recommended that you do not modify project folders, sub folders or remove and edit their contents.