AECOsim Building Designer Help

Edit Drawing Resymbolization Rule - Top/Side Single Line Graphics tab

Used to control the graphics elements that will be used to draw the Structural element from the top or side view as a single line. For members such as braces that are often in line with another element, a top view would obscure the line representing the brace. You can select Offset single line (Vertical brace offset) to offset the resymbolized line for elements such as braces. The Braces Offset rule has the fields set to apply to vertical braces. You can add this rule to your list of rules in the Apply Drawing Rules dialog, and apply it to vertical braces.

Display single line When on, enables access to single line resymbolization settings.
Setback distance in plot Controls the size of the gap at each end of an Structural member. This distance is applied in addition to any cutbacks or copes on the Structural member, ensuring an accurate drawing.The setback distance is a plotted distance and not a model or drawing scale. This value will not change for differently scaled drawings.
Offset single line (Vertical brace offset) Turn on this check box to offset the resymbolized single line for elements using this rule. The line is offset above or below (depending on your selection) by the value in the Distance field. This shifts the location of the single line and is helpful if you have a situation like vertical braces in a plan view, where a vertical brace is hidden by another element above it in the extracted drawing.
Distance Key in the distance by which the single line will be offset in the extracted drawing. This field appears only if you have turned on the Offset single line (Vertical brace offset) check box.
  • Above – The single line graphic appears offset above the actual location by the value keyed in for the distance setting.
  • Below – The single line graphic appears offset below the actual location by the value keyed in for the distance setting.
Symbology The resymbolized single line graphics symbology is determined with the settings in this region of the dialog.
  • Level — Sets the level for visible single lines.
  • Color — Sets the color for visible single lines.
  • Style — Sets the line style for visible single lines.
  • Weight — Sets the line weight for visible single lines.
Hidden Edge Symbology The resymbolized single line graphics hidden edge symbology is determined with the settings in this region of the dialog. The hidden edges being resymbolized are those that are “covered” by another item in the drawing (a beam that is behind a crossing girder, for example). Even if you set the symbology for hidden edges here, you must also turn on the hidden edges option on the Forward/Reflected views settings used in the drawing composition process.
  • Level — Sets the level for hidden single edges.
  • Color — Sets the color for hidden single edges.
  • Style — Sets the line style for hidden single edges.
  • Weight — Sets the line weight for hidden single edges.