AECOsim Building Designer Help

Configuration: Energy Services Category

Lists user configuration variables that generally apply to energy analysis.

Note: Unlike other categories, the majority Energy Analysis variables can be set to user values via the Export Options Settings of Analytical Space Model Explorer dialog.
Variable Short Name Description
BB_ASMEXPORT_DG_SPACETYPE_FOR_PLENUMS Datagroup type to instantiate plenum spaces from the ASM export dialog Specifies the DataGroup catalog type used to instantiate plenum spaces created in the Analytical Space Model Explorer dialog. The default is _Plenum.
BB_ASMEXPORT_DG_SPACETYPE_FOR_VOIDS Datagroup type to instantiate void spaces from the ASM export dialog Specifies the DataGroup catalog type to instantiate void spaces created in the Analytical Space Model Explorer dialog. The default is _Void.
ES_DIR_DGN Energy Services Simulation Location Specifies the location of Energy Services Simulation design files.
ES_DIR_CATALOGS Energy Services catalogs Location Specifies the location of Energy Services catalog files.
BB_ASMEXPORT_THERMAL_BRIDGE_COVER_PERCENT Fraction of exposed area for a wall to be considered exposed enough to create a thermal bridge Determines the minimum amount of exposed area for a wall to be considered exposed enough to create a thermal bridge. The default is 60 (percent).
BB_ASMEXPORT_HOLES_IN_POLYGONS Make holes in polygons (rather than self-touching topology without holes) Specifies whether or not to create holes in polygons (rather than self-touching topology without holes). The default is TRUE.
BB_ASMEXPORT_SPACE_SENSE_DISTANCE_MM Maximum distance between a door or window and the space it belongs to Sets the maximum distance between a door or window and the space to which they belong. The default is 333 (mm).
BB_ASMEXPORT_FACET_TOLERANCE_MM Maximum distance between arc fragment approximation and real arc line Sets the maximum distance between arc fragment approximations and real arc lines. The default is 10 (mm).
BB_ASMEXPORT_SPACE_MAX_GAP_DISTANCE_MM Maximum distance between exposed surfaces to be bridged. To account for missing plenums etc Sets the maximum distance between exposed surfaces to be bridged. To account for missing plenums etc. The default is 2000 (mm).
BB_ASMEXPORT_NEIGHBOR_MAX_DISTANCE_MM Maximum distance for heatflow through a wall Sets the maximum distance for heat flow through a wall. The default is 0 (equals infinite).
BB_ASMEXPORT_SPACE_BOUNDARY_GAP_TOLERANCE_MM Maximum distance for simple voids (like missing plenums) in the building to get automatically included in ASM Sets the maximum distance for simple voids (like missing plenums) in the building to get automatically included in ASM. The default is 100 (mm).
BB_PLENUM_ARTIFACT_SIZE_MM Size of artifact for a plenum. That shows chamfered edge effect to make them visible / pickable. Sets the size of the artifact for a plenum that shows a chamfered edge effect to make them visible/pickable. The default is 0 ("off").
BB_ASMEXPORT_ANALYSIS_ELEVATION_HIGH_MM The elevation (relative to the current floor) to analyze plenums on the floor Specifies the elevation relative to the current floor to initiate analysis of the plenums on the floor. The default is 2900 mm).
BB_ASMEXPORT_ANALYSIS_ELEVATION_LOW_MM The elevation (relative to the current floor) to analyze voids in the floor Specifies the elevation relative to the current floor to initiate analysis of the voids in the floor. The default is 1000 (mm).
BB_ASMEXPORT_USE_DETAILED_MESSAGES_FOR_SPACES Usage of detailed error messages for spaces Specifies whether or not to display detailed messages in the Analytical Space Model Explorer dialog.
  • When set to 0 or undefined (default), abbreviated warning/error messages are displayed.
  • When set to 1, more detailed warning/error messages are displayed.
Warning: Activating this option improves error message accuracy, but may result in longer calculation time.
BB_ASMEXPORT_EXPORT_CONTAINED_ELEMENTS Whether to export elements contained in spaces. Contained elements participate in heat storage and lighting analysis Specifies whether or not elements contained in spaces are exported. The contained elements participate in heat storage and lighting analysis. The default is TRUE.
BB_ASMEXPORT_ANALYSIS_CREATE_OPTIMIZED Whether to minimize the number of polygons in the resulting ASM to expedite the energy analysis computation. Specifies whether or not to minimize the number of polygons in the resulting ASM to expedite the energy analysis computation. The default is TRUE.
BB_ASMEXPORT_OPEN_FILE_EVERYTIME Whether to open AES after ASM export Specifies whether or not to open Energy Simulator after ASM export. The default is 1 (prompts you to open).
BB_DG_SPACECATEGORY_INTERIOR Translation of "Interior". Defines the translation of the reserved word "Interior" used in the enumeration of SpaceEnergyAnalysis/@SpaceCategory. The Space Category value is leveraged during ASM validation and Energy Analysis.
BB_DG_SPACECATEGORY_EXTERIOR Translation of "Exterior". Defines the translation of the reserved word "Exterior" used in the enumeration of SpaceEnergyAnalysis/@SpaceCategory. The Space Category value is leveraged during ASM validation and Energy Analysis.
BB_DG_SPACECATEGORY_PLENUM Translation of "Exterior". Defines the translation of the reserved word "Plenum" used in the enumeration of SpaceEnergyAnalysis/@SpaceCategory. The Space Category value is leveraged during ASM validation and Energy Analysis. Spaces placed with the Space Category equal to "Plenum" or the equivalent string defined by this configuration variable will not be labeled.
BB_DG_SPACECATEGORY_VOID Translation of "Void". Defines the translation of the reserved word "Void" used in the enumeration of SpaceEnergyAnalysis/@SpaceCategory. The Space Category value is leveraged during ASM validation and Energy Analysis. Spaces placed with the Space Category equal to "Void" or the equivalent string defined by this configuration variable will not be labeled but will include a graphical "X" distributed across the space definition, indication a "Void" space.

Unlisted Energy Analysis configurations

Lists user configuration variables that generally apply to energy analysis which do not appear in the Configuration dialog.

Variable Description
BB_ ENERGY_CALC_STANDARD Specifies the default energy calculation standard to be used for energy analysis.
  • When set to ASHRAE, the ASHRAE calculation standard is used.
  • When set to CIBSE, the CIBSE calculation standard is used.