AECOsim Building Designer Help

Building Element Info - Structural

Used to view or edit a physical member's structural section and section orientation information.

Note: This tab is available only when Structural discipline data is available for the selected element.

Section Name Displays the section name of the active, selected member.
  • End 1 Section (tapered members) — Displays the section name of the first end of the active, selected tapered member.
  • End 2 Section (tapered members) — Displays the section name of the second end of the active, selected tapered member.
Placement Point Controls the point of placement for a structural member; is the location on the member where the pointer is attached. The placement point represents the end of the member axis, about which structural members are rotated.
Rotation Displays the angle of rotation about the member axis by which the member is placed.
Mirror Displays whether the element is a mirror of another element (mirror image/flipped).
Local Y Offset Displays the distance by which member geometry is offset from the member line, in the Y-axis direction.
Local Z Offset Displays the distance by which member geometry is offset from the member line, in the Z-axis direction.