AECOsim Building Designer Help

Room Properties

The Properties For: Room dialog opens when the Room Project Tree object´s pop-up menu is activated in the AECOsim Energy Simulator Project Tree and the Properties menu item is selected.

It contains controls used to review and set basic room information, and to set detailed Design data for use in gain/loss calculations and energy simulations. Thermal design conditions such as winter and summer design temperatures, thermal properties such thermal weights of the room surfaces and furniture amounts can be defined here. Airflow assumptions and window schedules can also be determined. Finally, casual gains and miscellaneous thermal data associated with the room can be set.

Property heading Properties
Name Used to enter a name for the room. By default, rooms are automatically named using an incremental numbering system (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc) unless a name is entered directly in the tool settings windows associated with the room creation tools.
Description Used to enter a description for the room.
Room type Displays the room type selected when the room was created with the Trace room tool or the Define room tool. Room type can be changed by selecting from the available types on the drop-down list. Changing the room type changes the Design data default values for the room. Available room types are determined by the Building type property set in the Properties For: Building panel.
Dimensions Contains controls used to display basic room dimensions:
  • Height — Displays the room height. When using trace tools to create rooms, the room height is set with the Add floor tool or by adhering to the project settings made in the Defaults Manager dialog box’s Construction panel for the project.
  • Area — Displays the room area. Area is calculated from the graphical elements (surfaces) that define the room floor plan extents.
  • Volume — Displays the room volume. Volume is calculated from the graphical elements (surfaces) that define the room spacial extents.
Note: Dimensions properties are read only properties.
Design Data (Steady-State Calculations) Used to view and define the selected room’s various steady state thermal properties in the following properties panels:
  • Thermal design conditions
  • Thermal properties
  • AirFlow
  • Gains
  • Miscellaneous
  • Room mapping