AECOsim Building Designer Help

Room Type Manager

Used to create and manipulate default room data for room types used in your project. The Room Type Manager dialog box contains controls and settings for copying and editing existing (predefined types delivered upon install) room types as well as creating new room types. Room types for both ASHRAE and CIBSE calculation standards are supported.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Energy Simulator > Data Managers > Databases > Room Types

Tip: Units Display – Units are displayed using the default system of units that was defined for the project, but can be changed to display using alternative units.
Application Click to manage application room types data. Application level room types data is available for all projects to incorporate. Example application room types are included upon install in the Energy Simulator application folders. The example room types are read only (displayed with a lock icon). However, you can copy them to either your system or project folders for editing purposes.
Project Click to manage Project room types data. Project room types are always saved to the active project folders. You can create them using the controls provided on the right side of the Room Type Manager dialog box or you can copy room types from application folders and edit them to suit your project. Project room types are all read/writable. They are not displayed with a lock icon like the example application room types.
Standard Used to toggle the display of the Room Type Manager’s available room types between the ASHRAE and CIBSE calculation standards regardless of which standard is chosen for the project.
  • CIBSE — When selected, only CIBSE building and room type catalogs are available to be displayed in the Building types tab.
  • ASHRAE — When selected, only ASHRAE building and room types catalogs are available to be displayed in the Building types tab.
Catalog Used to toggle the display of the Room Type Manager dialog box’s available room types between the ASHRAE and CIBSE room catalogs. The standard is chosen for the project in the Properties For: Project dialog box.
  • CIBSE — When selected, only CIBSE building and room types are displayed in the Building types tab.
  • ASHRAE — There are three ASHRAE catalogs; 2004, 2007 and 2010. When one is selected, only the building and room types from the selected ASHRAE catalog are displayed in the Building types tab.
Tabs and data panels The Room Type Manager dialog is divided into two main panels. A Building Types tab is on the left panel, and is used to select and manipulate application and project building type data. A set of data panels on the right display the room type data. See the "tabs" and "panels" topic links below for details.
OK Closes the Room Type Manager And applies all current changes.
Cancel Closes the Room Type Manager without applying changes.
Apply Applies all current changes made, but does not close the Room Type Manage.
Notifications panel Used to validate application/project data and resolve issues with application/project data in real time (as it is being entered in the data manager dialogs) via errors, warnings and messages.