AECOsim Building Designer Help

New (Floor)

Used to create new floors. As no floors exist on a new blank project, a floor must be added by importing files with floor plans from DGN models, DWG/DXF files, PDF files or image files. No useful work can be carried out until at least one floor is set up.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Energy Simulator > Home > Floors > New

Additional floors can be set up for a building within a single project. Each floor must be defined with a separate floor plan reference (DGN, DWG, DXF, PDF, jpg, tif, etc). Each floor is identified with the name you enter in the AECOsim Energy Simulator Project Tree.

File name Used to enter the path to the referenced floor plan document (typically a DGN model or DWG/DXF file). The referenced floor plan document contains the graphical elements representing walls, partitions and wall openings such as windows and doors. These referenced elements can then be used to Trace or Define the walls of a room for instance.
  • [...] - Opens the Open dialog to browse the disk floor plan files.
Note: Imported DWG/DXF units –  Distances in a DWG/DXF file are defined in drawing units rather than meters or feet. You must know the units which were used to create the DWG/DXF file. AECOsim Building Designer establishes the distance units based on the extent of the DWG/DXF file’s drawing width and height.
Model If the referenced floor plan document is a DGN file that contains multiple models, they are listed in the provided Model drop list. The selected the DGN model is then referenced into your project building.
Note: The Model setting is disabled when the selected reference document file is of a type that is not a DGN file.
Floor name Used to enter a name for the new floor. By default, the floor is named using the selected floor plan document reference’s file name or DGN model name.
Level Locates the floor by specifying an elevation value (Z axis).
OK Completes creating the new floor, and closes the Add floor tool settings. The new floor the appears in the AECOsim Energy Simulator Project Tree, and is eligible for adding zones and rooms.
Cancel Closes the Add floor tool settings window without creating a new floor.
Tip: Units Display – Units are displayed using the default system of units that was defined for the project, but can be changed to display using alternative units.