AECOsim Building Designer Help

Mirror Feature

Used to mirror a feature of a parametric element, or create a mirrored copy of the feature, about a defined axis.

You can access this tool from the following:
  • Ribbon: Modeling > Solids > Modify Features
  • Toolbox: Modify Features
Mirror Along Sets the direction and the coordinate system along which the feature is mirrored.
  • Design X — The active DGN file X axis.
  • Design Y — The active DGN file Y axis.
  • Design Z — The active DGN file Z axis.
  • View X — The Active view X axis.
  • View Y — The Active view Y axis.
  • View Z — The Active view Z axis.
  • Accudraw/ACS X — The active Auxiliary Coordinate System X axis. Disabled if no ACS present.
  • Accudraw/ACS Y — The active Auxiliary Coordinate System Y axis. Disabled if no ACS present.
  • Accudraw/ACS Z — The active Auxiliary Coordinate System Z axis. Disabled if no ACS present.
  • Original - Mirrors the original element without making any copies.
  • Separate Copy- makes a separate copy which is independent of any modification on the original.
  • Associative Copy - makes an associative copy which shows the same effect of any modification on the original.