AECOsim Building Designer Help

Import RFA to Catalog

Used to create catalog entries from RFA content using the Bentley RFA Interpreter Wizard.

When RFA files are brought into AECOsim Building Designer, the RFA Interpreter creates catalog entries that represent each type defined in the RFA and stores the mapping settings that are used for each RFA file. In other words, the properties contained in each RFA and their values are stored in a catalog entry, and the RFA is interpreted each time it is placed into a new DGN.

Accessed from:
  • Backstage: File > Import > 3D Modeling File Types > Import RFA to Catalog

The labels in the left panel indicate wizard state. They are highlighted in sequence as you move in the workflow of wizard settings. For each state, the dialog controls on the right panel vary.

Select File Sets destination for RFA files, and select files or folder to be added in the list.
  • Destination — Sets the destination for RFA entries to be created in. The drop down menu options determine whether you want the Workset catalog or Organization catalog.
  • Select RFAs — Lists the files selected for conversion.
    • Add Files — Adds selective files in the Select RFAs list box. When clicked, opens the Select RFA Files dialog, where you can navigate to the directory containing the RFA files and select the RFA file(s) that you want to translate and click Open.
    • Add Folder — Adds selected file folder. When clicked, opens the Browse For Folder dialog, where you can select the folder that you want to translate and click OK .
    • Remove — Activated once one or more RFA files are added in the list. When clicked, the currently selected file is removed from the list.
    The list box displays the selected RFA files added to the Bentley RFA Interpreter.
Map Categories Opens when one or more RFA files were selected and Next button is pressed. The screen is used to map RFA categories with Building Designer categories, as well as Mechanical category and apply valid discipline to each RFA.

Map Categories screen

The screen also lists errors, if any encountered in reading RFA data.
The list box has the following columns:
  • RFA File — Displays the name of RFA files. Clicking checkbox of highlighted row enables Add category and Add Discipline buttons.
  • RFA Category — Displays the name of the RFA category associated with the RFA file. Can be altered by clicking Apply Category to selected RFA files. Use Apply Mechanical category to selected RFA files to assign a Mechanical category.
  • Discipline — Displays the discipline associated with the RFA file. Can be altered by clicking Apply Discipline to selected RFA files or by clicking the Discipline field that opens the drop down list of disciplines available.
  • Building Designer Category — Displays Building Designer category mapped internally for the RFA file. Can be altered by simply clicking the Building Designer Category field and picking a category from the drop down list provided.
Checking one or more RFA file entry, enables below buttons:
  • Apply Category to selected RFA files.. — Opens a secondary dialog where alternate category can be picked from the drop down list. Category options, such as Door, Window, Base plate, Casework, Escalator, etc., are available to select one.
  • Apply Discipline to selected RFA files.. — Opens a secondary dialog where alternate discipline can be picked from the drop down list. Options such as Architectural, Plumbing can be selected.
  • Apply Mechanical category to selected RFA files.. — Opens a secondary dialog where alternate discipline can be picked from the drop down list. Mechanical categories, such as Accessories, Fixtures, Pumps, Valves, etc., are available
All RFA files must have a Building Designer/Mechanical category and discipline assigned to them. The Wizard helps you by automatically assigning the best possible category and discipline to each RFA.

Note: The only time discipline does not fill in automatically is when there are both mechanical and plumbing connectors in the MEP RFA. When this happens you need to select a discipline.

Mechanical objects can also have their discipline set to Architectural, which discards the mechanical connectors and treats them as a random piece of equipment. When the discipline is set to Architectural, an architect can place the objects without connectors (sinks, toilets, and other items) to place them for design and spacing purposes and not for mechanical coordination.

Tip: So when the discipline for mechanical and plumbing content (that is used only for Architectural purposes) is changed to Architectural, that content can now be placed using the Place Object (User Defined Type) tool instead of the Place Mechanical Content tool.

Mechanical and plumbing content disciplines can also be changed for Structural.

When valid categories and discipline RFAs are selected, they are convertible. The Next button is enabled, that will lead to next level of import.
Select Types Selects the types to include in DataGroup Catalog. You can rename the items to suit your workset requirement.

  • RFA Family and Types — Displays the pre-defined family and types name for RFA and children family types.
  • Name in Building Designer — Displays the Building Designer family name for the RFA mapped with RFA family. Click in the field and rename, if needs to alter. The children family name too follow the same string. You can overwrite the child family name to read if different.
  • Warnings — Displays warning , say "Already imported" for RFA files that were imported in past session.
Map Attributes Maps RFA object attributes with Building Designer Part and Family and assign whether to use RFA materials.

Sort By — Sorts the object list in the order of Category or Family.
For each RFA, the list has the following fields:
  • RFA Object Styles — Displays the list of the RFA Object Styles in the active RFA file.
  • Graphics — Displays geometry nature of the RFA object -either 2D or 3D.
  • Building Designer Part and Family — Displays the Building Designer Part and Family assignment to a given object. Clicking in the field opens up a list of part and family available, that can be further filtered to narrow down and selected a desired part and family from the resulted options.
  • Use RFA Materials — Keeps the RFA materials versus the materials defined by the part and family. The Use RFA materials, will only apply to 3D solid surfaces and not 2D symbology.
The Next enables once all RFA object styles are mapped.
Map Property Names Maps Building Designer Properties with that of RFA properties. The empty or missing Building Designer Properties can be set manually.

  • RFA Parameters — Displays the name of the RFA parameters for the active RFA.
  • Building Designer Properties — Displays the name of the Building Designer Properties mapped for the RFA parameter. Clicking in the field opens up a list of Building designer Properties available, that can be further filtered to narrow down and selected a desired property from the resulted options —used to map the Not mapped entries.
The Create Catalog Entries button appears in place of Next.
Create Catalog Entries The Wizard interprets and translates the RFA files, and reports the result after datagroup entries are created.
  • When you define property mapping in the Wizard, the Wizard remembers the property mapping settings by Revit category. For example, if you map properties for a window, the next time a window is imported, the mapped property settings defined for the previously imported window are offered by the wizard as the default settings.
  • You can of course change mapped property settings whenever another window or RFA file is imported. Mappings that are changed from the default, display in bold type.
  • Mapped property settings are stored in the directory \Worksets\<template>\support\dataset\setting\rfawizard.
Back/Next The Back button remains activated in the flow, allowing revising the settings in the previous screen as required. The Next button turns active in each state when valid settings are done. When clicked moves to the next screen.
Finish After the Create Catalog Entries is processed, the Finish screen appears and lists the result of the interpretation.

Besides the dataset root directory path, the result also includes list of RFA files processed, and the resultant catalogs being created. Clicking Finish dismisses the dialog.
Cancel Closes the RFA Interpreter Wizard prompting confirming exit. No cancellation is permitted after the Create Catalog Entries are progressed.