AECOsim Building Designer Help

Weights Section

The line Weights section of the CSV file starts with the line:


It contains the following columns:

Column Contents
Weight The line weight to remap.
Level Color





Optional. Qualifiers that refine the elements for which the remapping is performed.
V7OutputWeight The line weight when saved to V7 file.
V8OutputWeight The line weight when saved to V8 file.
DWGOutputWeight The line weight when saved to DWG or DXF file.

The Weights section has the following characteristics:

  • If the value in the Weight column is enclosed in square brackets, it is interpreted as effective weight. For example, if the value in the Weight column is [4], then the remapping applies if either the element weight is 4, or the element has its weight set to ByLevel, and the ByLevel weight of its level is set to 4.
  • If the keyword %unmapped appears in the Weight column, then every element that has a weight that does not otherwise appear in the Weight column is mapped to the destination specified in the %unmapped row. If there is more than one %unmapped row in the section with the same values for the qualifier columns, the last one is used.
  • If the keyword %bylevel appears in the V8OutputWeight or DwgOutputWeight column, then every element that has the weight indicated is changed to be ByLevel. The V7 file format does not support ByLevel, so that keyword is invalid in the V7OutputWeight column.
  • Prior to AutoCAD 2000, the DWG format did not have a way to store line weights. Some users established plotting line weights by setting element colors based on their desired line weights. If the output format is DWG or DXF, either a DWGOutputWeight or a DWGOutputColor column, (or both) can be included. The remapping operation will set the output line color based on the source weight if the DWGOutputColor is present; it will set the output line weight based on the source weight if the DWGOutputWeight column is present and the DWG version selected supports line weight. If a DWGOutputColor column is included in the weight mapping section, make sure that there is no DWGOutputColor column in the color mapping section, or the results are unpredictable.
  • When the target is AutoCAD 2000 or later, you can map directly to AutoCAD line weights rather than through AECOsim Building Designer’s default linear formula for setting AutoCAD line weights from AECOsim Building Designer line weights, by entering values in the DWGOutputWeight in mm. For example:

    The mm is required whenever the value should be interpreted as mm rather than pixels.

  • The elements for which the remapping in a particular row applies can be qualified using the optional Level, Color, Style, Class, ElementType, and Cell columns. While editing the remapping spreadsheet, those columns are displayed when the Show Optional Columns check box is checked. To distinguish them from the required columns, they are shown with a different background color.