AECOsim Building Designer Help

Configuration: DataGroup System Category

Lists user configuration variables that generally apply to the DataGroup System.

Variable Short Name Description
DG_CATALOGS_BYPASSVALIDATE Bypass DataGroup Validation Disables DataGroup System validation when opening the DataGroup Catalog Editor.
  • When set to 0, DataGroup validation is enabled.
  • When set to 1 (default), DataGroup validation is bypassed.
BB_CLASSIFICATIONSYSTEM_FILE Classification system file Specifies the name of the classification XML file(s) that controls and configures the classification system.
BB_CLASSIFICATIONSYSTEM_PATH Classification system file location Specifies the location of classification XML files.
BB_DG_ECSCHEMA_CACHE Datagroup ECschema cache location Specifies the location to cache the DataGroup System based ECschema, that is used for the Element Info tool.
DG_CATALOGS_PATH DataGroup Catalog Files Specifies the location for DataGroup System Catalog files. This variable may specify more than one directory.
DG_CATALOGS_LIB DataGroup Catalog Item Library Sets default location of the catalog items library, used by the Catalog Item Manager.
DG_CATALOGS_ORGANIZATION DG_CATALOGS_ORGANIZATION Sets the location of DataGroup catalogs for the Organization configuration.
DG_CATALOGS_THUMBNAILS_FILE Catalog Items Thumbnails .Zip File Sets the location of the zip file used to store thumbnails of catalog items (128 x 128 pixels).
DG_CATALOGS_WORKSET DG_CATALOGS_WORKSET Sets the location of DataGroup catalogs for the Workset configuration.
DG_CATALOGS_WORKSPACE DG_CATALOGS_WORKSPACE Sets the location of DataGroup catalogs for the Workspace configuration.
DG_PATH DataGroup System Files Specifies the location of DataGroup System Catalog Types, Custom Catalog Types, and Catalog Type Extension files. This variable may specify more than one directory.
DG_DTS_MAPPINGFILEDIR DataGroup Transformation Utility Specifies the mapping directory for the DataGroup Transformation Utility.
DG_DEFAULT_XSL_FILE Default .XSL File Specifies the file name of the default .XSL file used by the DataGroup System.
DG_DISPLAY_XSL_FILE Display .XSL File Defines the style sheet used to display XML reports.
DG_PRINT_XSL_FILE Print .XSL File Defines the style sheet used to print XML reports.
DG_SCHEDULES_DIR Report Output Directory Specifies the default location for DataGroup System report output.
DG_SCHEDULE_LAYOUT_ORGANIZATION DG_SCHEDULE_LAYOUT_ORGANIZATION Sets location of DataGroup catalog items' .xls Schedule templates for the Organization configuration.
DG_SCHEDULE_LAYOUT_WORKSET DG_SCHEDULE_LAYOUT_WORKSET Sets location of DataGroup catalog items' .xls Schedule templates for the Workset configuration.
DG_SCHEDULE_LAYOUT_WORKSPACE DG_SCHEDULE_LAYOUT_WORKSPACE Sets location of DataGroup catalog items' .xls Schedule templates for the Workspace configuration.
DG_SYSTEMS_ORGANIZATION DG_SYSTEMS_ORGANIZATION Sets location of DataGroup catalog type/item definition files for the Organization configuration.
DG_SYSTEMS_WORKSET DG_SYSTEMS_WORKSET Sets location of DataGroup catalog type/item definition files for the Workset configuration.
DG_SYSTEMS_WORSPACE DG_SYSTEMS_WORSPACE Sets location of DataGroup catalog type/item definition files for the Workspace configuration.
DG_SAVEAS_HTML_XSL_FILE Save as HTML .XSL File Defines the style sheet used to save XML reports to HTML.
DG_SCHEDULE_LAYOUT_PATH Schedule Layouts Specifies the location of the DataGroup System Schedule Layouts.
DG_UDL_PATH UDL Files Specifies the default location for Universal Data Link files.

Unlisted DataGroup System configurations

Lists user configuration variables that generally apply to the DataGroup System which do not appear in the Configuration dialog.

Variable Description
BB_CATALOGITEM_ADMIN_IN_PLACECMDS When set to 0, hides all three DataGroup catalog item editing icons (Save Catalog Item, Save Copy of Catalog Item, Delete Item from Catalog) in the Building placement tools settings.
BB_CATALOGITEM_DELETE_IN_PLACECMDS When set to 0, hides the Delete Item from Catalog icon in the Building placement tools settings.
BB_CATALOGITEM_SAVEAS_IN_PLACECMDS When set to 0, hides the Save Copy of Catalog Item icon in the Building placement tools settings.
BB_CATALOGITEM_SAVE_IN_PLACECMDS When set to 0, hides the Save Catalog Item icon in the Building placement tools settings.
_BB_DATASET_ORGANIZATION_DG_LOCK Specifies the location of the Primary, Organization, shared or centralized dataset filtering settings.
  • If set to 0 or undefined (default), you can add/edit Organization-level catalog types, catalog entries, and settings in the Company Dataset.
  • If set to 1, you cannot add/edit Company-level catalog types, catalog entries, and settings in the Company Dataset.
BBPW_DG_EDIT_PROMPT_CHECKIN Sets the behavior of the ProjectWise (when installed) check-in dialog when editing DataGroup data across references.
  • When set to 0 or Undefined (default), the check-in dialog is suppressed, and references are automatically checked back into ProjectWise.
  • When set to 1, the check-in dialog is displayed.