AECOsim Building Designer Help

[Technology Preview] Bentley CONNECT Advisor

The Bentley CONNECT Advisor is a unified interface that enables you to view a variety of Bentley content at one location, thereby eliminating the need to browse through various sources separately. As an end user, you get the ability to browse, search, view, and interact without having to leave the product (AECOsim Building Designer) that you are working on.

The Bentley CONNECT Advisor scans through different sources such as Bentley Communities, Bentley LEARNserver, and Bentley YouTube channels to display relevant information with links to the web pages. For example, if you want to search for information on the Place SmartLine tool, you can enter the tool name in the Bentley CONNECT Advisor dialog's Search field. You will get a list of relevant results from different locations such as blogs and wiki posts on Bentley Communities, LEARNserver courses that discuss about the tool, and so on. You can also look out for other information such as news and announcements, upcoming events, and QuickStarts.