AECOsim Building Designer Help

To create a compound cell

For most types of fixtures, furnishings, and equipment (FF&E), compound cells should be used because they incorporated both the 3D representation used for modeling and rendering and the 2D symbolic representation used for drawings. These are created using the Compound Cell Manager and they are stored in *.BXC libraries.

The task below places the graphical elements that will comprise the compound cell in the DGN file. The elements can be forms and/or plain drawing elements.

  1. Select the Compound Cell Manager tool (or Key In: TFDIALOG COMPOUND CELL). Opens the Compound Cell Manager dialog.

  2. Select the File > New Library menu.

    Opens the Create Compound Cell Library dialog.

  3. In the Save In path, navigate to the compound cell library destination folder (in this example, we navigate to \AECOsimBuildingDesigner\Workspace...\support\dataset\cell). Enter Robots.bxc for the File name.

    Click Save to create the compound cell library.

  4. In the Compound Cell Manager, open the Robots.bxc cell library from the Current Library drop down menu.

  5. In the Compound Cell Manager click Create... to open the Create Cell dialog.

    In the Create Cell dialog, complete the following:

    • Click 3D and identify 3D graphics, preferably a 3D cell.

      The OK next to the 3D button turns black.

    • Click Plan and identify 2D graphics, preferably a 2D cell.

      The OK next to the 2D button turns black.

    • If the compound cell needs to punch holes through walls or slabs, click Perforators and identify a shape to be used as perforator.

      The OK next to the Perforators button turns black.

    • Click Origin and identify the origin of the Compound Cell with a data point.

      The OK next to the Origin button turns black.

    • Click Create... to open the Compound Cell Info dialog.
      Note: the Create button enables when OK is black for at least 3D, Plan, and Origin.
  6. In the Compound Cell Info dialog, enter a Name, Type (optional), and Description (optional) for the new cell.

    Click to add the new compound cell to the cell library.