AECOsim Building Designer Help

To Customize a Standard Toolbox

You may want to customize some of the standard toolboxes by adding tools from other toolboxes, deleting tools that you do not use, adding a custom tool, or changing the tools in them.

  1. In the Customize dialog ( File > Settings > Configuration > Customize ) , click the Tools tab.
  2. Expand the User Tools section and expand the open DGN file.

  3. Copy the toolbox to customize from the Application Tools to the open DGN file.
    Warning: The copy of the toolbox must have the same name as the original toolbox if you want the copy to take the place of the original.
  4. (Optional) You can change the tools in the copy of the toolbox.
  5. Open the Tool Boxes dialog ( File > Settings > User > Tool Boxes ).
  6. In the list of toolboxes, turn off the check box next to the toolbox that you copied.
  7. Turn on the check box next to your copy of the toolbox, which has "- Custom" appended to its name.

    Your customized toolbox replaces the original toolbox.

  8. Click OK.