AECOsim Building Designer Help

To create strong MEP catalog items (types)

  1. Open the ( Catalog Editor ).
  2. Make a copy of a datagroup catalog item using the right-click > Duplicate menu option. In this example, we are copying the Split Coupled catalog item (in Pump | PumpVerticalSplitCoupled).

    The Copy Catalog Item dialog appears with prefix "Copy of" added to the default name string.
  3. Rename the copy. Indicate that the item is a strong type by adding TYPE as a prefix or suffix.

    In this example, we rename the copy to TYPE | Pump- Cold Water.
    Note: When catalog items are prefixed with x_ or x-template |, the copies are created in the project dataset.
  4. Enter values for all properties relevant for the type, and using the Editable check marks make them non-editable. Make properties that can be added or redefined for the instance, editable. Make sure you save the newly created type (using the > Save option).
  5. Select Place Plumbing Systems > Pump and select (Vertical Split Coupled) catalog item.
    Place the default datagroup split coupled catalog item in the view.

  6. Select the newly placed pump and click (Modify Properties).
  7. In the Modify Components properties list, scroll to ID | Type that was left editable, and enter TYPE | Pump- Cold Water .

    So now when the element is exported, it is exported as TYPE | Pump- Cold Water and not as Split Coupled. The element is also exported with the properties defined for the TYPE | Pump- Cold Water type.