AECOsim Building Designer Help

Aligning Dimension Styles

The axis along which the dimension is aligned can be set from the Placement control in the Advanced tab of the Dimension Styles dialog. Following alignment options are available:

  • View — Parallel to the view x- or y-axis. Useful when dimensioning 3D references with dimensions parallel to the viewing plane. (“X denotes the view x-axis.)

  • Drawing — Parallel to the design plane x- or y-axis. The design's rotation determines the alignment axis for a particular dimension. (“X denotes the design plane x-axis.)

  • True — Parallel to the element being dimensioned. The extension lines are at right angles to the dimension line.

  • Arbitrary (2D only) — Parallel to the element being dimensioned. The extension lines are not constrained to be at right angles to the dimension line. This is useful when dimensioning elements in 2D "isometric" drawings.

Aligning the Dimension using a Key-in

The DIMENSION AXIS key-in is used to determine the axis along which the dimension is aligned. The alignment style of the dimension is set to the defined type.