AECOsim Building Designer Help

Visible Edges Display Key-ins

The following key-ins are used for setting visible edges display of the references.

References key-in Description
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES ALLATTACHMENTS CACHED Sets the Visible Edge option of all the references in the active model to Cached.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES ALLATTACHMENTS DYNAMIC Sets the Visible Edge option of all the references in the active model to Dynamic.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES ALLATTACHMENTS SYNCHRONIZECACHE Reloads all the references in the active model which have their Visible Edge option is set to Cached.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES ALLMODELS CACHED Sets the Visible Edge option of all the references in the file to Cached.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES ALLMODELS DYNAMIC Sets the Visible Edge option of all the references in the file to Dynamic.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES ALLMODELS SYNCHRONIZECACHE Reloads all the references in the file which have their Visible Edge option is set to Cached.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CACHED <file_name> Sets the Visible Edge option of the selected reference to Cached.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CACHED ALL Set the Visible Edge option of all the references to Cached.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CACHED COPYHIDE Copies the selected cached elements into the master file and hides the cached elements.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CACHED HIDDENTOGGLE Turns on or off the display of hidden cached elements.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CACHED HIDDEN Hides the selected cached elements.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CACHED SYNCHRONIZE <file_name> Reloads the selected reference in the current model.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CACHED SYNCHRONIZE ALL Reloads all the references in the current model.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CACHED UNHIDE Displays the hidden cached elements in the current selection.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CACHED UNHIDE ALL Displays all the hidden cached elements.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES DYNAMIC <file_name> Sets the Visible Edge option of the selected reference to Dynamic.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES DYNAMIC ALL Set the Visible Edge option of all the references to Dynamic.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES LEGACY <file_name> Sets the Visible Edge option of the selected reference to Legacy.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CVESYNCH MANUAL Sets the cache synchronization option to Manual. Suffix the key-in with ALL to set all the cached references in the active model to Manual.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CVESYNCH AUTOMATIC Sets the cache synchronization option to Automatic. Suffix the key-in with ALL to set all the cached references in the active model to Automatic.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CVESYNCH ALERT Sets the cache synchronization option to Alert. Suffix the key-in with ALL to set all the cached references in the active model to Alert.
REFERENCE VISIBLEEDGES CVESYNCH DISCONNECTED Sets the cache synchronization option to Disconnected. Suffix the key-in with ALL to set all the cached references in the active model to Disconnected.