AECOsim Building Designer Help

Establish DataGroup Catalog Parametric Variables for PAZ files

PAZ cells are created in PC Studio using named dimensions and variables that drive parametric cell behavior when the item is placed in AECOsim Building Designer. PAZ cells are entered into DataGroup catalogs using the procedures previously discussed in this help section. When entries are established in the DataGroup System, PAZ cells can be placed using the Place User Defined Catalog Type tool. The named dimensions and variables are displayed as property values in the tool settings window. These values can be changed to modify the size and shape of the PAZ cell in the model.

PAZ cell dimensions and variables must be linked to the DataGroup System in order to be included in DataGroup instance data and this is discussed in the following section. When linked, PAZ cell parameters and variables can also be modified and scheduled.

PAZ parametric variables are established in the DataGroup Catalog Editor, Parametric Name column. Entries in this column associate PAZ parametric variables with DataGroup System catalog properties. Generally, variables established in this column should be dimensional in nature. For example, the width, depth and height of an item are ideal items for entry in this column. A variable defining a Building number may have significant user defined value for reporting purposes, but if it has no parametric value it should not be entered here. Remember, variables entered in the Parametric Name column control both Building application graphics and user defined report data.

Note: Entries in the DataGroup Catalog Editor, Parametric Name column, are only required for PAZ items created using PC Studio. Parametric definitions which control the graphics for other file item types (including BXF, BXC, and CEL files) are specified by other utilities within the Building application.
Warning: To use PC Studio items successfully with the DataGroup System, PAZ variable names (as they are defined in PC Studio) must match Parametric Name entries exactly.
  1. Open the (Catalog Editor).
  2. Ensure the > Show Catalog Items is selected. The catalog items tree displays the catalog items.
  3. Navigate to the applicable catalog type and select the new parametric PAZ catalog item (in this case Top Mount Single Door.paz).
  4. Complete entries in the Parametric Name column (in this case Height, Width and Frame Depth) to define the parametric item variables. Also complete property values (in this case ExternalDimensions) for the parametric variables (6'8”, 2'8” and 2'6” respectively).

    Note the ParaDef Type (PAZ) and the ParaDef Filename (Top Mount Single Door).

  5. Select > Save menu to save the changes and close (X) the DataGroup Catalog Editor.

The new PAZ catalog item is now ready for use with the DataGroup System. Upon selecting (Place User Defined Type), choose Refrigerators from the Catalog Type selector and choose the Top Mount Single Door refrigerator from the Catalog Item selector.

The Place User Defined Catalog Type tool settings window displays the new PAZ Top Mount Single Door refrigerator.

When selected in the tool settings window, the top mount single door refrigerator is dynamically attached to the pointer and ready for placement.