AECOsim Building Designer Help

Arrange Symbols Place in Grid

Last updated: August 18, 2017

Used to groups symbols on existing ceiling grids in drawings.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: AECOsim > Electrical > Symbols > Arrange Symbols > Place in Grid

Click left- and right mouse button inside a room shape to start function.
Base point room Select a room corner for the starting point of symbol arrangement, 4 options available.
Base point symbol Symbol base point can be selected from available 9 options.
Cell insertion point Select Cell insertion point as symbol base point, in place of base point selection.
  • 1st symbol X — Set X insertion point offset for first symbol.
  • 1st symbol Y — Set Y insertion point offset for first symbol.
  • Pick Point — Select X and Y offset in drawing for starting point of symbol arrangement. To pick the grid intersection point, enable AccuDraw to be able to change the snap mode to intersection to pick the grid point.
  • Offset X — Set X offsets for all symbols.
  • Offset Y — Set Y offsets for all symbols.
  • No of symbols X — Enter number for all symbols X manually; "Max" will place maximum number of symbols possible.
  • No of symbols Y — Enter number for all symbols Y manually; "Max" will place maximum number of symbols possible.
Height Enter symbol height manually.
Symbol > Select Opens the Symbol Manager dialog. Select symbol to place. Symbol is shown as in preview box.
Angle Select symbol angle.
Options available:
  • 0 degrees
  • 90 degrees
  • 180 degrees
  • 270 degrees
> Preview Shows preview of symbol in the drawing with selected settings. The dialog disappears momentarily. Click in the view to return to Place Symbol In Grid dialog
Place Symbols Inserts symbol arrangement in grid in the selected room in drawing.
Cancel Closes the dialog.