AECOsim Building Designer Help

Materials Manager: Materials tab

Contains controls used to view, manipulate, copy and modify application and project Materials data.

Note: The Materials tab is contained within the Materials Manager dialog box. When a construction is selected, its data appears in the Materials Manager dialog box’s data display panels.
Materials tab toolbar

Contains tools for creating new materials and for copying existing material definitions.

  • New — Used to create a new material definition in any of the available material categories. Clicking the New icon opens a pop up menu from which you select the material category to contain the new material definition. Subsequent to selecting the category, the New Material dialog box is opened. The New material dialog box is used to complete creating the new material definition.

  • Copy — Used to copy a existing material definition from any of the available material categories. Clicking the Copy icon opens the Copy material dialog box which is used to complete copying the existing material. Material definitions are always copied to the same material category the copied material belonged to.
  • Copy to project/application data — Used to copy material definitions between the project and application folders. The Copy to project button is enabled when application materials are being displayed. The Copy to application data button is enabled when project materials are being displayed. Clicking the Copy to project/application button opens the Copy material to project/application data dialog box which is used to complete copying the existing material. Material definitions are always copied to the same material category the copied material belonged to.

Material categories Materials are listed inside several expandable/collapsible categories, including asbestos, blocks, concrete, masonry, plaster and vapor barrier.
  • Material category pop-up menu — Right clicking on a material category title bar opens a menu with these options:
    • New material – Opens the New material dialog box.
    • Add Category – Opens the New material category dialog box.
    • Rename Category – Renames the selected materials category.
    • Delete Category – Deletes the category from the database. If a material inside the selected category is being used in the project, the material category can not be removed.
Materials Individual material definitions are listed in alphabetic order within their category. Selecting materials displays their data in the Material Manager dialog box’s data display panels.
  • Materials pop-up menu — Right clicking on any project material opens a menu with these options:
    • New Material – Opens the New material dialog box.
    • Copy Material – Opens the Copy material dialog box.
    • Copy to project/application data – Opens the Copy material to project/application data dialog box.
    • Delete Material – Deletes the selected material. If the selected material is being used in the project, the material can not be removed.
    • Rename Material – Renames the selected material. If the selected material is being used in the project, the material can not be renamed.
OK Closes the Materials Manager dialog box, and applies all current changes.
Cancel Closes the Materials Manager dialog box, without applying changes.
Apply Applies all current changes made, but does not close the Materials Manager dialog box.