AECOsim Building Designer Help

Import Wizard

Used to import a list of program Spaces from a delimited text or csv file or an Excel file. Typically when the Space Planning dialog is opened for the first time the programmed spaces list is empty.

Opens when clicking (Import Spaces) in the Space Planning tool.

Welcome Welcome screen provides a message about the wizard. You can choose Next > to continue or Cancel to dismiss the wizard.
Preview Page Provides a preview of how the imported file is interpreted by the Space Planning tool.

  • File - Displays the path to the imported file. The file name and path may be keyed in or searched for by clicking the Browse button.
  • Choose the delimiter - Enabled when importing Spaces data in *.text or *.csv files. The wizard tries to detect the delimiter used by the imported file to separate the column data automatically, but may be overridden at any time by clicking one of the radio buttons corresponding to the standard delimiter characters. The last option, Other allows for a user defined delimiter by key in.
  • Choose an Excel sheet - Enabled when importing Spaces data in Excel files. The wizard picks the required worksheet from the selected file where the column data is already delimited.

  • First row contains field names - When on, the first row in the imported file is interpreted as the column names. When off, the first row is interpreted as space data.
Click Next > to continue, < Back to return to the previous screen, or Cancel to dismiss the wizard.
Property Bind Page

  • File Attributes - Lists the column names from the imported file. If the preview page's First row contains field names option is off, the file attributes column is generated by the wizard using Column1, Column2, etc.
  • Properties - Lists the active schema properties mapped to the imported file attributes. When the Property Bind Page is first opened, none of the attributes are mapped, displaying the default Do Not Import value. Properties may be mapped manually by selecting from the drop lists. The property list is reduced every time a file attribute is mapped.
  • Best Match - Maps properties automatically by comparing the file attributes with the active schema properties. Properties that are unable to be mapped are left with the Do Not Import value. These may either be mapped manually or left as is and not imported.
  • Clear All - Clears all the mapped file attributes.
Note: The wizard provides an immediate preview of how it interprets the imported file. Use scroll bars to review all columns and rows.
Click Next > to continue, < Back to return to the previous screen, or Cancel to dismiss the wizard.
Error Report Page The wizard pre-processes the imported file to ensure no invalid content is imported. Errors are displayed with information about their location in the imported file. If the imported file contains critical errors, the wizard can not continue. Critical errors must be corrected in the imported file. If non-critical errors are found (column cells not containing values), the wizard provides a warning before continuing.

Note: The Finish button appears on the Errors report page if the When importing > ask me in import wizard dialog option is selected in the Space Planning Settings dialog.
If your imported file contained no errors, click Next > to continue, < Back to return to the previous screen, or Cancel to dismiss the wizard.
Append / Overwrite Page The final wizard page determines if the imported space data is added to any existing list of programmed spaces with the prompt "Would you like to append or overwrite imported spaces to currently existing ones".

  • Append - Adds the imported Spaces to the exiting list of Spaces in the Space Planning tool.
  • Overwrite - Overwrites the exiting list of Spaces in the Space Planning tool with the imported spaces data.
Click Finish to complete the import, < Back to return to the previous screen, or Cancel to dismiss the wizard.