AECOsim Building Designer Help

Fin Manager

Used to manage fin data contained within your project or at the application level. You can create, edit and remove fin definitions. Fins definitions can be horizontal or vertical in nature. The controls provided allow you to enter various fin parameters. Fins defined here can be placed using the Add Fin tool or as a subset of the Add (trace) window tool.

Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Energy Simulator > Data Managers > Databases > Fins

Tip: Units Display – Units are displayed using the default system of units that was defined for the project, but can be changed to display using alternative units.
Application Example system fin definitions are included upon install in the application folders. The example fins are read only (displayed with a lock icon). However, you can copy them to either your application or project folders for editing purposes.
Project Project fin definitions are always saved to the active project folders. You can create them using the controls provided on the right side of the Fin Manager dialog box or you can copy fin definitions from system folders and edit them to suit your project. Fin definitions are all read/writable. They are not displayed with a lock icon like the example application fin definitions.
Fins tab Lists all fin definitions available in your Project and in the Application. Application fin definitions are installed automatically. Project fin definitions can be created or copied from the system fin definitions.
  • Fins tab toolbar — Used for creating and copying fins.

    • New – Used to create a new fin definition. The new fin is added to the Fins tab with a default name in the Horizontal or Vertical categories depending upon which is active. You can rename it, and then define its properties on the right side of the Fin Manager dialog box.
    • Copy – Used to copy an existing fin definition. The copied fin definition appears on the fins tab with copy appended to the copied fin definition name in the Horizontal or Vertical categories depending upon which is active.
    • Copy to Project/Application data – Used to copy fins between the active project and the application folders. The button label changes from Project to Application data depending upon which mode is active.

  • Horizontal — Horizontal fin definitions are listed on the Fins tab located on the left side of the Fin Manager dialog box. Select fin definitions from here to review, edit and save them for use on your project.
  • Vertical — Vertical fin definitions are listed on the Fins tab located on the left side of the Fin Manager dialog box. Select fin definitions from here to review, edit and save them for use on your project.
  • pop-up menu — Right click on any Fins tab item to open a context menu.
    • New – Used to create a new fin definition.
    • Copy – Used to copy an existing fin definition.
    • Copy to Project/Application data – Used to copy fin definitions between Project and Application data.
    • Delete – Used to delete fin definitions. The fin definition selected can not be a read only application schedule.
    • Rename – Used to rename fin definitions. Use the Rename options to rename copied fin definitions.
Note: pop-up menus are the same for fins saved to both Application and Project files.
Fin data Contains controls and options used to define fin type, fin dimensions, solar transmission, and a fin angle automated control option. These controls can be used for editing copies or for newly created fine definitions.
  • Description (line1) — The text entered in this description field is used as the fin definition name, and is displayed on the Fins tab .
  • Description (line2) — Used to enter a description string for the fin definition.
  • Fin type — Used to set the fin orientation relative to project's coordinate system.
    • Horizontal – When set, fins are placed on a user defined incline from the X axis. Clicking horizontal activates the Elevation view panel.
    • Vertical – When set, fins are placed parallel to the Y axis. Clicking horizontal activates the Plan view panel.
  • Use automatic control of fin angles — When on, it is assumed the fin will track the sun position and automatically change the fin angle to maximize the shading effect of the fins. When off, the fin angle value is used.
  • Fin angle — Sets the fin orientation relative to the axis on which they are attached.

    Fin angle for vertical (left) and horizontal (right) fins.

    • For vertical fins, it is the angle made with a normal to the window surface.
    • For horizontal fins, it is the angle made with the horizontal plane.
  • Fin width — Sets the width for each fin blade.

  • Fin thickness — Sets the thickness for each fin blade. Fin blades are assumed to have a rectangular section.

  • Fin pitch — Sets the fin spacing along the axis on which the fins are attached. The distance is measured between the centers of the fin blades.

    Fin pitch for vertical (left) and horizontal (right) fins.

  • Number of fins — Sets the total number of fin blades in horizontal fin assemblies at time of placement. The option is disabled for vertical fin assemblies. During placement with the Add fin tool, the total number of vertical fins is determined by the height of the window and the fin pitch that you have set in the fin assembly definition.
  • Fin assembly elevation — Sets the angle of horizontal fin assemblies relative to the surface or window is placed on. The option is disabled for vertical fin assemblies.

  • Vertical distance from surface head — Sets the vertical distance to the first fin from the surface or window is placed on. The option is disabled for vertical fin assemblies.

  • Horizontal distance from surface — Sets the horizontal distance to the first fin from the surface or window is placed on.

  • Fin solar transmission — Used to enter a value for solar transmission through the fin assembly. Normally, this equals zero (opaque) but tinted glass fins can be specified and solar shading calculations will take them into account any shaded bands.
Plan view Enabled for vertical fin definitions, the Plan view panel is used as a visual reference when defining Fin data. When the cursor is placed in one of the fin data entry fields, the appropriate Plan view dimension is highlighted in red.

Elevation view Enabled for horizontal fin definitions, the Elevation view panel is used as a visual reference when defining Fin data. When the cursor is placed in one of the fin data entry fields, the appropriate Elevation view dimension is highlighted in red.

Notifications panel Used to validate application/project data and resolve issues with application/project data in real time (as it is being entered in AECOsim Building Designer data manager dialogs) via errors, warnings and messages.
OK Closes the Fin Manager, and applies all current fin definition changes.
Cancel Closes the Fin Manager without applying changes.
Apply Applies all current changes, but does not close the Fin Manager.